
Should I be worried that my period is late?

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My last period was July 5th and it ended on July 10th. I usually don't keep track of my in between time, i just keep an estimate. So it's usually about every 28 days and I haven't gotten it yet. I don't have any obvious PMS so I never know when I could get it besides keeping an idea of when. I'm not pregnant, anorexic, or overworked. I'm slightly stressed but it's really nothing. I just have a lot of HW over the summer. But it's hardly anything!

So why haven't I gotten my period? Should I be worried? It's been 39 days! (i'm 14 btw, and I got my first period July 2007, if it matters.)




  1. Well stress yes could cause it. Are you on birth control? That can cause a missed period, if you are that worried go get a over the counter pregnancy test. If not wait til next month then definitely get in to a Doctor and get checked out. Take care.

  2. sometimes it takes a year or more for you to become regular.

    that plus stress could be your problem!

  3. Could be stress. Maybe you're over thinking it & then you worry.

    RELAX!!! It will probably come eventually. Unless you believe there is really a need for the doctor.

    Talk to a parent about this if the worry too much to handle.

  4. No, you shouldn't be worried.  That happens to a lot of people during the first years they have their periods (including me, I've gone 4 months without one before, and have friends who have gone over 6 months without it).  If it bothers you that much, you could consider taking birth control to regulate it.  That's what I did.

  5. it could be that it is just stress that is making it late.

    if you haven't had s*x, then you don't need to worry that you are pregnant.

    it's probably just that you don't have a normal cycle yet. it will even out in a few years.

  6. For the first few years your period should be irregular, its normal. If its really bothering you, talk to your mom about seeing a doctor.

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