
Should I be worried when my 3 month old is just learning to roll over?

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The past few days my 3 month old daughter discovered how to roll over. My concern is at night when I put her to bed she likes to roll to her side which is okay, but, it's when she rolls onto her stomach is where my concern is. She is able to lift her head up pretty good when she is on her stomach, but when she's half asleep is what concerns me. About 3 nights ago I heard her whimper, I got up to check on her, she was laying horizontally with her head push in the top corner of her crib. It scared the living heck out of me, since then i've been up and down throughout the night with concern and worried that she may suffocate herself. The question is am I being to paranoid?? Is she capable to turn her head when she needs to breath? I have a son who is now 12 years old, but I can't remember this stage.




  1. My son did that and still does. For some reason he always wanted to sleep with his head crammed into a corner or pillow. For a long time I slept with him to observe. From my observation, yes they will always turn their heads if the need more air. He seems to breath fine with his head down too. It is OK to let them roll onto their tummy to sleep once they start rolling over. I think its pretty normal for babies to do this so try not to worry.

  2. Its normal to be worried about these kinds of things. When my daughter started rolling over and didnt know how to roll back the other way she was suck up againt the bumper kinda like what your what your talking about only not at the top of the bed. It really is hard until they have fugure out how to roll back the other way to get out of danger .

    I do belive they can turn there heads when needed to so they can breath. when i watch mine on the floor she will put her head into the blanket and then turn her head . Of course she cant breath in the blanket so she knew what to do.

    To be honest and i know you shouldnt do this i put her back in the room with me after that happpend. I was to worried and her room is not right next to mine. I dont reccomend it but i think its a personal choice on what you feel is the best thing to do. It was easy for me to make this decison because she still wakes up in the middle of the night to eat and i breastfeed her. so this will make it easier on me too.

    It is normal and every mom goes threw this soon she will be able to crawl and more worries will come about with that. Its will always be something. I just go with what i think is the best thing to do in my mind.

  3. Both of my kids starting sleeping on their tummy very early on, around 7-8 weeks with my 1st, and 2 weeks with my 2nd, before they could roll over.  I started letting them sleep on their tummy during nap time where I could watch them and see how they turn their head.  Once I was comfortable with that, I let them do it at night time and I knew they could move their head.  My 2nd has had great head control so I don't worry and he once looked like he was sleeping face down but when I got real close, he was breathing just fine and moved his head right after that.  If your baby is rolling over on her own you can use a wedge to keep from doing that or you could test her out during nap time and sleeping on her tummy and see how she's doing so you can relax.  Good luck!  

  4. That is the average age for them to begin rolling over.

  5. I know what you mean! My son is 4 months and only rolled over 1 time so far. But, I'm scared about that also. I dont think you are being paranoid, its normal to worry about. I would just make sure to take blankets away from her. I know, your not supposed to have them sleep with blankets until they are like a year anyway. But, my son did until he started moving around. Sometimes I have to go sneak it away from him now. Just make sure shes on a hard mattress. Its hard.... You can only do so much.  

  6. Yep, you're being a little paranoid!

    Once a baby is able to roll over, he/she will find the most comfortable position.

    As long as you remove any possible hazard from the crib ... pillows, blankets, etc., there's really not much danger.  The baby will sleep however he/she is most comfortable ... and for some of them, that means jamming their head into the corner!

    I don't know why they do that, but they do.  I've heard it theorized that it makes them feel more secure.  Whatever.  No, she won't suffocate herself.  She's strong enough to roll over, so she is certainly strong enough to move her head to a position that allows her to breathe freely.

    Try not to worry.  Your baby is fine ... she's just working out the most comfortable sleeping position!

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