
Should I become a secondary/post-secondary music teacher or math teacher?

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I love both and have talent in both areas. I just can't decide which would be more enjoyable to teach, or which has a better future in regards to job avaliability/pay/competition etc.




  1. In my area, music is being cut, and math teachers can write their own ticket.

    I agree with the poster above me about using music to teach. How do you think "Hooked on Phonics" became popular? Because you remember something that is set to music. (Think of all the tv commercials jingles you remember from when you were 7 years old.)

    Why don't you be the one to write the "one hundred decimals of pi" rap, or the "secant, tangent, cosine, sine; three point one four one five nine" reggae sing-along?

  2. Whatever you can teach with more passion!  In terms of job security though, with constantly decreasing funding for the arts (thanks NCLB), music teacher positions are frequently being eliminated.  Good math teachers are in much greater demand.  You can always USE music to help you teach math...which is a great way to integrate content areas and use both areas that you specialize in.

  3. I would suggest post secondary.

    And couldn't you double major --or major in mathematics and minor in music?  just a suggestion :)

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