
Should I believe him? What do I do?

by  |  earlier

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I know I cant put every detail in here but here it goes, Long story short..

My bf and I have been together 3.5yrs. we are in mid to late 20's. We were engaged, broke up last year, got back together beg this year.

Right before we broke up, he 'meet up' with one of his 'friends' without telling me and when we broke up the started sleeping together...thats the story I know. I know he meet up with her cuz she posted the pics on her myspace so I have the proof and busted him.

When we broke up, he slept with quite a few people. He says its out of his system, hes ready to move foreward.

So know Im in the delemia that I dont really trust him, he did it before, how do I know he wont do it again???

So yesterday I found this email to one of his buddies that he went on a 'guys only trip/bachelor party' to the keys bout a month ago.

looks good bro, i'm excited..i talked to one of those girls and she said she will bring money down when she comes down for mother's day on may 8...i told her atleast $100-$120 for her and the same if she brings any friends

Im assuming it was for some girls to stay in the house they rented but not sure. He says no girls went, but this doesnt look too postive.

The sad part was, he kept telling how he would if I could go, when he was there, he texted me with how he wished I was there and how much he missed me.....

I'm so confused, what do I do? Should I believe him?????




  1. Well, in my opinion he isnt really a cheater since you two were broken up when he was with other  people. But that email doesnt sound like no girls went on that trip. I am not sure what I would do, but I do know that if you dont trust him now, then you will never trust him.  

  2. You sound like you really don't trust him and I don't blame you.  It sounds like he a liar.  I don't know if I'd take a man back that slept with quite a few people while we were broken up.  

  3. I don't know why you are confused. It seems pretty clear.  This guys is a liar, and will always be a liar.  Your life will be miserable if you stay with him.  You deserve better.  Get rid of him.

  4. Not no, but h**l NO!  Oh now that he's slept around he's ready for you again?  If he didn't realize how lucky he was to have you and could easily cast you aside, why would you even want him back?  You need to get some self respect and tell him to kiss your butt!  So what you love him, he doesn't love you and you will love again, you will love a man that loves you back!

  5. please do not believe him.  

  6. I really don't think I could trust him, nor would I believe him.  I couldn't waste time with a man that zapped up so much of my energy worrying - can I trust him?  Is he lying?  It's not good for you.  A relationship should not feel this bad.  

  7. I'm a guy, and all I have to say is:

    What did he do to make you trust him?? Actions speak louder than words. Don't girls like it when you tell them you miss them? He's playing you. These are the 2 things most guys want:

    (1) A decent woman to have kids with and start a family (a mother).

    (2) A S****y w***e, that they can use and abuse, whenever they want. Basically when their wife won't do the things they really want a woman to do (the nasty things).

  8. No - he sounds like a liar and a cheat...

    Life is too short to live with this uncertainty. Move on to brighter days - without this loser.

    Believe in yourself.

    Good luck.

  9. Honestly, he's soooooooo lying to you. It's very simple for a guy to cheat... to lie... and to cheat all over again even after he gets caught. This happened to me, my hubby cheated on me.. I found out, he swore, cried... did it all for my forgiveness... couple months later it happened again... and again... so I finally realized that once a cheater always a cheater.. its just all up to you if you want to take it or not.. I had never cheated on him before.. but after so many betrayals I decided to try it on my own... so I did.. .it didn't make things better but I felt a little bit of what he felt.. and honestly I liked it... it's not good... and i'm not saying you should try it but.. .. like i said he will swear, cry, promise.. make up all sorts of stories.. it's up to you if you want to beleive and take it... Good luck..

  10. Why would you want to be with a guy like this???

    You should ditch him and fast. There are better MEN out there that will treat you the way you are supposed to be treated.

  11. I would demand an explanation.  Ask for her name and phone number and call her (although unless he is innocent he won't give this info...I'm sure he "forgot").  Were they there on Mother's day?  Do a lot of research to find out as much as you can.  Don't freak out on him too much in case it was no big deal.  But he should understand why you are concerned.  I'm sure he would have sent lovey dovey texts even if he was up to no good.  You would have been suspicious otherwise and just because he may have been "bad" doesn't mean he didn't miss you.

  12. wow I'm in a very similar situation, minus the bachelor party.  It's such a hard situation and I don't know whether or not trust him again either.  

  13. No.  He's lying to you.  He's about to have fun behind your back again.  Throw him out and move on.  

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