
Should I book with online travel site or is it cheaper to book flight and hotel yourself??? ?

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My wife and I are planning our first vacation/late honeymoon to Mexico this October....our passports are ready to go just so you know. We've done our homework and totaled many vacations on travel websites(cheapcarribean,apple, hotwire etc.), but all of them are about the same price when totaled up. So what is the best and cheapest way to book our vacation. I've read on trip advisor booking the flight and hotel separate can be much cheaper is this true. Some websites offer 4 nights fight/hotel all inclusive for $499...but that is if you fly out of Miami, we will fly out of either Cinn., Dayton or Columbus Ohio...please help!!!!




  1. Hello, Send me an email at and i will get you all the infomation you will need to get a great price.

  2. There is no easy answer to your question. Either a package or booking separately might be cheaper depending on the circumstances.

    Booking as a package is often cheaper because the company offering the package may have a wholesale deal with your favorite hotel. That means that they can obtain rooms cheaper than you can because they commit to buying many rooms. However, it may be cheaper to book separately if website A has a lower airfare but website B has a deal with the hotel that gives them a lower price.

    If you haven't already done so, try Expedia or Travelocity. They commonly have discounts for booking as a package, although not for every hotel.

    Since you've researched several websites, it should be relatively easy to do some comparisons. If the prices are all about the same, regardless of whether it's a package or separate, then just book the package. It's easier. If one website has a lower airfare and another has a lower hotel rate, then just book them separately.

    As you can see, finding the best deal is not always easy. It often takes a lot of work!

  3. not sure about packages but for hotels the best site i know of is the site is an aggregator affiliated with hotels. com which means it searches other sites and presents you with the best deals available. my office uses it for corporate travel. good luck and i hope this helps!

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