
Should I bother taking the SAT again - only to improve my essay?

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I'm happy with my May SAT scores, except for my essay (CR 710, Math 670, Writing 690 with essay score of 7... to be honest, I had no idea what to write my essay on [hated the prompt]; I'm not suprised at my score.). I really don't want to take the test again, but I need all the scholarships I can get, no matter what college I attend.

Will my essay score improve that much if I take the SAT again in October? (However, I think would like to start sending out college applications by that time - the guidance counselor at my school told us we should have sent out all our applications by the end of November.)

Thanks in advance. =)




  1. There is always room for improvement, but don't overstress or work yourself. Give yourself a break, some time to relax, and take a moment for yourself amidst your studying. These scores are important, especially when you are serious with your education and trying to get in to a specific school, or just overall improve your resume, or grade status. Education is definitely the way to go, so trying to improve your scores for the SAT is  a great way to start!

  2. I happen to grade essays for scholarship applications (not for the SAT). As part of the process, I look at SAT scores, ACT scores and school transcripts.

    I notice that many students take the SAT a few times, and that about 50% do a little better or about the same and 50% do worse.  So, think carefully.

    You might be better off thinking of how you will answer the essays on your scholarship applications.

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