
Should I break up with my boyfriend, move in with him, or wait for him?

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My boyfriend (25) and I (23) have been working together and living a block away from each other for a year now, and he's just left town to go to grad school 100 miles away for the next three years. I will see him every other weekend, but he is very busy, and I am lonely without him.

It feels like my heart is breaking a little every day, and part of me just wants to get it over with and break up with him so that I don't feel this way for years. Other than that, our relationship is perfect, though, and I can see myself spending my life with him. Because of this, I am considering moving in with him in his new city, but am afraid of what would happen if I did this and we broke up and I'd be all alone in a city where I don't know anyone.

The other thing is, he wants to be pretty sure I'm the one before I move in, and he's not quite there yet. I don't know how long I can stand feeling this way, and whether or not it's worth it.

What would you do if you were in my situation?




  1. You never know what tomorrow holds...but you gotta do what makes you n him happy,distance can be annoying,but dont let someone you love get away. Go, if it doesnt work u can always come back, but dont let him get away.

  2. Well it soundss likeee you really like him

    if i were youu i would wait for himm

    definetly not break up with him if u feeel soo strongly about  him

    but i would think twice b4 moving to a big city with nonone but ur boy friend there


  3. dump him and move on!!!

    I know it may hurt for a little while, but if he's "not sure yet" and you have been together for this long, then you need to move on.

    if you move in with him, he will feel you are pushing him in to a situation he isn't ready for, and he will break up with you.

    time to let go!

  4. Dam girl!

    Wait for him, if hes worth it, he'll be worth the wait

    On saying that I dont really know because look at the situation I'M in;...

    Hang in there =]

  5. The relationship with your boyfriend is only small part of your life.  If I were you , I would stay where I feel safe. Besides he is not pretty sure you are  the one . Why take risk?  

  6. I'd probably end it, because he's not sure about you.  

  7. I'd stay with him. Seeing that he has been making my life much better and happier has made me quite satisfied. I'd not break up with him because then it'll make me look like Im just piting myself and a little bit of him. I'd feel lonely when I don't see my bf too that's because I have nothing else better to do and because I just feel so happy with him. If your relationship is perfect, why ruin it due to distance?

  8. Breaking up because its to hard at the moment but you have all of these other positives in the relationship is the easy way out.  If you have full confidence in this relationship stick with it until he's ready, don't push or you'll ruin it.

  9. I think you should follow your heart pretty soon it will turn into he doesnt have time for you at all and then it will just be harder you should tell him how you feel and if he doesnt agree then maybe it is best that you guys break up

  10. move in with him. life is short, true love doesn't come around too often and you're luck you've found it. don't let it go. if you really think he's the one for you and you guys are meant to be then you should move in with him as soon as he's ready too. i can tell you really love him. just go for it, its the only way you'll be truly happy. good luck babygirl!

    it will all be worth it in the end. i promise you.


  11. Well first of all he would definitely know if you are the right girl. If he really does not think that well then maybe you should not move in with him. But really go  with your heart. What do you think is right. Just remember don't go if you think its not gonna work. Its going to be a lot different living with each other, your going to be with him all the time.Make sure you are ready for that. If you get into a lot of fights and don't agree on a lot of things then maybe you should think twice about it. But if you feel its the right thing to do and you really think you too are meant to be together then go. But don't let your self suffer, if you really like him, then there is no reason not to be together.

  12. well i'd take a chance if u want him go get him but i'd always have back up... basicaly if he betrays u in any way then u should have ur own place 2stay.. dont depend on him 2do everything...

    gud luck hope this helpz......

  13. Id break up, if this is gonna be happening for 3 years then you shudn go through wit it. I suggest breakin it den wen dose 3 years pass try it again and it mite work out.

  14. He is you boyfriend,you worked together and you lived close to each other for a year and he doesn't know if your right for him yet? If you were that close for a year and he's not quite there yet then,if he is real busy now and you will only see him once a fortnight it's going to take him the whole 3 years to finally tell you whether your good enough.Then again if you think he's worth the chance then it's better to have done it and know the answer than to wonder forever whether you should have I suppose.I recon you should go to him every other week untill he is settled in then cosider moveing in and if he isn't giving his all then you will know it,never mind whether he is sure or not,make sure YOU are sure.You are still the same person in the same place, he has moved away into a different environment,so take real good care of your emotions.I hope its the fairytale for you.

  15. this is just my belief...u should wait till yall are married b4 moving in with eachother if it wasnt my belief then i would say move in with him.  

  16. i know how that feels, i have lived 950 miles away from my bf for a year and ive only seen him a total of 10 days, and i know for a fact that he's the one for me, and i would love to move in with him, but i know that i wouldnt be able to leave everything i know and the one place i have always lived to go live in a place i have never been to before.  but just wait for him, he'll eventually come around and realize that you're the one for him and he'll beg for you to come live with him.

    one day he'll tell you that your the one for him. i know everything will work out fine!!!!

    i hope this helps!!!!!!

  17. Well if you really feel he is the one, I would move to where he lives.. and maybe he will see how much you miss him and that you really care for him, and that you are serious about the relationship.. and maybe that will make him more sure that u are the one.

    And don't worry about breaking up because if you two love each other, don't let anything get in the way of being with each other.

  18. Wait the whole thing out. Give yourself time and see what happens.

    You may change, he may change, or you both may grow in 3 years and be so in love.

    All you have REALLY is time.

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