
Should I bring Class A's?

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I am suppose to be going to WLC soon (Camp Shelby) (Army Reserves) and class A's are not on the packing list. Should I bring them anyways? I have been trying to get a hold of the school and haven't been able to talk to anyone yet. My unit isn't sure.





  1. you might need them for graduation!i would take them with me,it never hurts!

  2. if its not on the packing list, dont worry about it, you are very lucky lol.  you shouldn't have to be the one calling, if your unit dosn't know they should be trying to figure it out.  

  3. Ah Camp Shelby, I know the place quite well.  You simply must visit the barbecue shop near the highway out the South Gate.  At any rate that's neither here nor there.  When in doubt plan on taking your Class A's but continue trying to get ahold of someone who knows for sure.  I would say that it would be better to have them and not need them than to need them and not have them.  As in most such situations there is a war story with this one.  In 1978 in Germany I was selected to participate in a tri partite field exercise in the British sector.  They distributed a rather precise packing list to each NCO.  Can you guess what wan't on the list?  Yep you got it, Class A uniform.  It seems that at the conclusion of the exercise the Brit NCO were to host a dining in of the NCO's who had participated in the exercise.  There was only one American NCO who had brought his Class A's and no it wasn't me.  Quite embarrassing really.  Well that's it, my answer.  Plan on taking them but continue trying to get a definitive answer from the powers that be.  good luck to you and don't forget that barbecue place.

  4. no, its not on the packing list.. why bother? why carry some extra that you probably won't need. If it really need to have it, it would of been on the packing list.

    Good luck!

  5. Abundance of caution -- pack the Class A's.  Murphy's Law dictates you'll need 'em if you don't pack 'em.

  6. Here's the 2005 the then Secretary of the Army and CSM of the Army addressed that this is an Army at war and the proper uniform for all Army ceremonies will be the ACU.  Many of the NCO Academies honored that and have taken the Class A's off the packing list.  However, we are currently at the United States Sergeant's Major Academy (where all the regs come from for the NCO Academies) and they did a ceremony on Friday in Class B's.  Many Sergeant's Major did not have the uniform.  Be safe...take it.  WLC graduation is still supposed to be in ACUs but it is chance not worth taking.  

  7. Better to be safe than sorry!

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