
Should I bring my hair straightener with me to Guatemala?

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I'm going to Guatemala for two weeks with my boyfriend but I need to fit everything into one travel backpack! Do I just deal with the fro or should bring it so I can actually look kind of presentable at night? It's going to take up some valuable space so I need to know also if the plug would fit into their sockets!




  1. You'll need an outlet converter for it to work.  I would say leave it at home.

  2. take it       no converter needed

  3. been to guatemala and last I remember you do not need a converter. But as for bringing it I say if you are going to be sight seeing and at the ruins and stuff you probably wont need it. I'm sure you look very presentable without it. =)

  4. nah! you'd probably look better than some of the hoes that are over there! Been there, and i swear the females are such s***s when they see an American!! No offense to the people of Guatemala! But that's my effin opinion!

  5. I dealt with the same issue before I visited Central America.  I opted not to bring my hair straightener and only regretted leaving it at home once or twice in the four months I was in Central America.  As for plugs, you shouldn't need a converter, as long as you stay in hostels, hotels or inns that cost more than $5 per night.  Honestly, you will probably be so busy that you won't have very much time to miss your straightener very much.  Plus, lots of people, including fellow sightseers are rockin the fro, so you will be in good company:) Hope you have a great time and make sure you take the time to check out Chichicastenango...they have a great market on Thursdays and Sundays, it is HUGE and you can get all of your souvenirs for peanuts:)

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