
Should I buy 1 share in google?

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I was wondering if it was worth the investment to buy one stock in google, I obviously don't want to lose money, I want to gain money.




  1. Whether you want to invest a small amount of money in the stock market or many hundreds of thousands of dollars, the same rules apply. Firstly you need to have a plan. What is it you want to achieve from your investment? Are  you investing to earn dividends, or are you looking for capital gain? Are you investing in the short, medium, or long term? Once you have a plan then you start to research the companies to find which ones fit into your plan. Only after proper research should you buy. Having bought shares that are appropriate for your plan, do not panic when the market drops. If you have correctly assessed the companies before buying why let the market valuation change your mind? Keep to your plan and only sell when the share price goes up to the level set in your plan. This does not mean that you should not reassess and re-evaluate your plan from time to time. But do this in a properly researched manner. There is truth in the saying ' buy when everybody else is selling, and sell when everybody else is buying'.

    If you do not do the above you are gambling on the stock market and would be better off just buying a lottery ticket or two.

  2. If you have the money try "Seaboard Corp.".....Big bucks there!

  3. Buying a single share of any stock probably isn't a good idea, since it has to go up quite a bit to even cover the commissions.  It's very possible though that you could end up making money on it.

  4. Yeh, you should! And yo could use google every day or more frequently to make your profit margine a bit bigger then average haha lol.

    Google's down right now, so many people are choosing to invest simply because its cheap, and when google is ... "up" they will recieve alot of money making this a wise investment.

    IMHO hoping for the best will mean that Google and other similar services that cache the web's pages will tank.

    I do not want outdated results -- what I want is LIVE results.

    This is certainly doable if a more reasonable approach is used (than to search "all documents" -- imagine in how many instances "car" or "hotel" appears on the web!). In contrast, if I use a search engine focused on cars (e.g. or or or or or or or or ...) or a search engine focused on hotels (e.g. or or or ...) or a search engine focused on books (e.g. or or or ...) then I will get far more relevant and/or reliable results -- and since I do not need to look at every myspace page, every geocities page, every whatever-page-I-might-have-seen-in-the-p... I will not waste time/effort on a bunch of useless c**p (which is mostly what I would find if I search on a "one-size-fits-all" site like Google).

    So if you're hoping for the best, then go short on Google!!

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