
Should I buy Rainbow Six Vegas 2 or Gears of War?

by Guest66854  |  earlier

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Should I buy Rainbow Six Vegas 2 or Gears of War?




  1. It depends.  If you want a more tactical shooting game with realistic weapons then Rainbow Six Vegas 2 is for you.  If you want a game that is fast paced, sometimes a little creepy, and has lots of gore or if you enjoy chainsawing people from the head down then Gears of War is for you.

  2. This is an easy one. Get both!!

  3. Rainbow Six Vegas 2.  It's about as real as it gets.  The weapons are based on real weapons.  The objectives require you to work in real time with other members of your squad who have been outfitted with special weapons.... each member specializing in his particular weapon.

    One guy could be carrying heavy arms while another guy is sniping.

    Gears of War is overkill.  I've never been a fan of this game because of the health/energy/shields.  From what I understand they keep changing it up because of the incosistency in damage ratings ( i.e.  a headshot might not kill the guy ).  However, Gears of War has a large fan-base so you might have more people playing if you decide to go live in the wee hours of the morning.  

    Rainbow Six Vegas has a fair amount of followers as well.  But I'd rather be playing Rainbow Six Vegas offline as well as online.  The only reason I'd ever play Gears of War is to go online and slaughter a bunch of mush-heads.

  4. If I were you I would get Rainbox Six Vegas 2 but I'd rather wait for Gears of War 2

  5. rainbow six

    hands down

    its cool for clan matches too


    add me to get owned ;]


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