
Should I buy The Official SAT or Cracking the SAT?

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Which to buy? The official sat study guide by collegeboard or cracking the sat by princeton review? The Official SAT is the one most schools sell and has 8 practice tests but no explanation of the answers. And I think it was made back in 2004. The Princeton Review is the 2009 edition and it has 4 practice tests, test-taking strategies and explanation of the answers. But I have heard the Princeton review may be unreliable since its a little more focused on strategy.




  1. I personally preferred the princeton review.  While there is a good amount in the princeton review about strategy, it certainly isn't enough to take away from the actual review.  And answer explanations are very clear which is a plus.  With the official sat book you get a question wrong and you have no idea.  You end up either having to ask someone or trying to figure it out on your own, which just isn't that great.

  2. i prefer getting both

  3. What you have said is true.  I've used both in my SAT preparation, and I have to say that they actually complement each other very well.  The Official SAT Guide is really good with practice because it's the only resource book out there that has so many real practice questions, and for SAT preparation, that's indispensible. You're also right in saying that the Princeton Review is less focused on content and more focused on strategy.  The Official SAT Guide is more focused on content, less on strategy.  That's why they complement each other well.  If you have to pick one, though, go with the Official SAT Guide because strategy is kinda useless if you don't have the content to back it up, while content will get you as far as you need to go if you use it wisely.  

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