
Should I buy a 2004 Toyota Corolla with 59,000 miles for $12,000? I'M THINKING ABOUT BUYING IT TODAY?

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It is an LE version. Is 59,000 miles too much in less than 4 years for this corolla? Does the 2004 corolla have any problems?




  1. That's right about what they are going for on Auto Trader but the mileage is MUCH lower.  You can find a better deal.

  2. That car would have been just over $12000 brand new!!!

  3. yes i believe 59000 miles is alot for a 4yr old car since they average 12000 per year on vehicles and $12000 you probably can find a new car for that price

  4. 12k for that many miles for any car is too much in my opinion tell them to lower the price or your gone and tell them you want to the car inspected by a shop of your choice if you do buy it, i did and took the car down to a shop and they looked over it and said everything was great so it pays off knowing you probably wont have any problems unless you cause them. good luck.

  5. I don't know, that's a tough one.  I mean, a Camry, maybe, but a Corolla?  You could buy a brand new Kia Rio with zero miles on it, for THAT much.  That's kinda a lot.

  6. No, for a little more you can get a new one.  A new 2008 with an auto starts at 16k.

  7. That isn't too many miles...about average actually.  Check ebay to compare prices. Toyotas are great cars though.  I would buy it after talking them down a bit.  Be sure to negotiate.  There is ALWAYS room for that.

  8. Sounds about right; Get a qualified mechanic to check it out before buying it, or make sure you get a warranty with it. ( Or both ) !

  9. personally im OK for the nbr of KM even if the car is a 2004's one, but this does not mean that its perfect for as a car, but at least better than other cars, and i agree with you if you'll buy it espacially if the price is too good. (i like the Corolla espacially the old ones)

    Good Luck.

  10. I don't like the Corolla's shape, I think is ordinary I would rather buy a Toyota Yaris, it gives you a better fuel economy and it is  stylish.

  11. Yes, that is definitely too much money for an '04 with that kind of mileage.  You could probably get an '08 for a couple of thousand more without any miles on it.  I would suggest shopping around to see if you could get something better.  Don't forget to ask for accident history.

  12. sounds a little high on the price, you should be able to find a comparable carolla(year mileage wise) for around 8k

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