
Should I buy a 3G Iphone? I calculated paying $1992.00 over 2 years for basic phone, internet & txt pkg alone.

by  |  earlier

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@ $83.00/month I get 40 in voice coverage, 30 in internet, and 5 in txt tax, etc.




  1. You are awesome with using the internet - I say go for it!

  2. If you're calculating this...why are you asking us?

    Some people on Yahoo! Answers are rich and $1992.00 over two years = a fourth of a paycheck and some people can't afford $83 a month.

    If money is an issue, then don't get it.

    If it isn't, then look at the iPhone's features. Will they be useful to you? If so, then get it!

  3. who in their mother freaking right mind would spend that kinda money on a godd@mn phone for christs sakes!  i could pay off my car with that amount of money.  if your life absolutely depends on the kind of cell phone you have then by all means, buy the best.  or you could buy a regular phone for $99 and give the remaining 2 grand to a charity like toys for tots, the red cross, a local women's shelter, animal shelter, ya know, someone who could REALLY use it!!!!!

  4. If you can calculate how much you are paying and using currently, I do not understand why would would need to ask this in a question.  I mean, what do we care.

    How about you go by a hundred 3G Iphone.  

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