
Should I buy a Cockatoo or an African Grey?

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If I get it from a breeder,

Does anyone know which one is cheeper?

And which one learns to talk faster? (Smarter Bird)


Thank you to everyone that answers.


ps. Does anyone have any advice for either of them?




  1. Cockatoos are cheaper (maybe around 800-1000$, possibly less), but African Greys are high up on the intelligence scale.  (1200-1400$).  

    African Greys can learn a vocabulary of up to 2000 words and phrases, and they are known to be able to perform some comprehension.



  2. Hi, depends on what kind of cockatoo you're looking for, the price can go up quite a bit.  They're both very smart birds but the Greys aren't as noisy as the cockatoos.  Cockatoos are not known for their talking abilities like the Greys. I'd go for an African Grey, probably a Congo.  Remember though not all birds talk, I've seen Greys that talk up a storm and I've seen Greys that only mimic sounds.  If you expect your bird to be a real good talker, you may become disappointed.

  3. In the UK Cockatoo's are dearer than African Grey's.

    Grey's tend to be better talkers, and not as loud as Cockatoo's.

    I have a Grey, he was 18wks old when I got him, and was hand reared, he learnt to talk quickly and is very friendly.

    Parrots need a large cage and lots of toys to keep them occupied, they can easily get bored and start feather plucking. They need lots of attention and out of cage time.

    You need to be really certain that a parrot is for you before buying, they can live for well over 50 years so are a life time commitment.

    They need to be fed a good pellet feed, a small amount of seed is OK, but not as its main food, seed contains very little vitamins and nutrients and is basically junk food. They also need fresh fruit and veg daily.

    They are amazing pets but they do require a lot of time and attention. Having a parrot is like having a 2 year old child that never grows up.

  4. An african grey will range in price from $900 to about $1500, depending on if you get a Timneh grey or a Congo.  The Timnehs are cheaper and a little bit smaller than the Congos, but both will talk about the same.  Cockatoos also have a large price range, depending on what type of cockatoo you decide on.  A goffins' may only cost you about $800, but the rarer species such as the Major Mitchells or the Black Palm can run into a few thousand dollars.  As far as talking ability the African Greys have it hands down.  They are the king of the talkers. (my grey keeps me entertained for hours) Both the grey and the cockatoos are both just as smart.  They grey is a bit more timid than the cockatoo.  A grey is also a quieter bird.  They will have their moments in which they scream at their toys, but overall they are much quieter than a 'too.  Although both species love attention, Cockatoos are renowned for their screaming until they get the attention they want.  Be reminded that both species have a life span of 40+ years, so they both can give you many, many years of enjoyment.

    Also please don't get it from a pet store. These birds need to be hand raised, hand fed and handled constantly to keep them social towards humans.  A pet store usually just sticks it in a cage and doesn't get it out for social purposes, if at all.  A breeder has taken the time to work with the babies from the time they are pulled from the nest for hand rearing at 2 weeks old until it is fully weaned.  A breeder will also usually be much cheaper than a pet store.  A pet store normally will sell the bird for double (or sometimes even more than that) what they paid it.  I hope all of this helps.

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