
Should I buy a Husky If I live in Arizona??

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I always wanted a Husky but I wasn't sure if it be good for him to live here.....




  1. NO BUDDY! That husky will die from the heat! Imagine putting on a fur coat and having to live in the heat. Buy a different doggy.  

  2. i wouldn't because it would be way too hot there for the dog.

  3. Talk about animal cruelty...

    Had a friend that got one who lived in the south.

    Most out-of-control, POed dog EVER. Wife hated it.

    Then he got x-ferred to BFE stone throw-to-Canadian border  Montana, and the wife (who loves the cold) and the dog became best friends and it's totally the mellow mutt.

  4. That's like bringing a Polar Bear to live in Hawaii.

  5. It depends on where you are and how much of a glutton for punishment you are. Huskies shed like mad (double coat) and will go on jaunts around the neighborhood any time they can get loose, which is often. They also love everybody. If a burglar ever got in, ours would have licked him to death.

    If you are in Tucson, the husky won't leave the air conditioning. If you are up in the mountains, you might get away with it.

  6. no its way too hot u should get a lab or a german Shepard

  7. I suggest you don't i live in arizona and its getting hotter day by day.  

  8. way too hot

    they are cold weather animals

  9. No way! you should only get a husky in a place like colorado or alaska. huskys are snow dogs. bye!

  10. if you have air conditioning in the house he'd be fine in there, just dont leave him out all day. i have a german sheared/Australian mix in  washington and she has a thick cote and she is always fine and we have no air in house :(

  11. I live in Arizona too. It really depends where in Arizona. Like if its Flagstaff, thats probably ok. Anywhere Phoenix and south it would probably be too hot for te husky. I know I love them too, but it is just too hot

  12. SURE! Huskys r great, just make sure he has a bunch to do otherwise he'll run away (dig under a fence, jump a fence). it snows there, so he should like it my friend has one, and she lives there, it is totally fine

  13. definitely not. if you want a dog and live in arizona, its best to get a lighter colored short haired dog. no dalmations and no solid whites either. dalmations are inbreed and white fur is translucent so solid white dogs need sunscreen  


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