
Should I buy a MacBook Pro for C.A.D.needs? or Macbook?

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BackGround: I currently have a iBook G4!!!

& I will be a freshman at MinuteMan Tech.

My iBook is old, slow, and I have 1 GB left of space. I will need a new computer high school and are not sure which to buy.

So basically I know I want a MacBook or MacBook Pro.

I am unsure of which one will be right for my needs.

Microsoft Word, Internet, itunes, and iphoto

The Macbook would work wonderful for those needs but here's the catch. I will be in the Pre Engineering program and will run a C.A.D. (computer aided design) program, on Boot Camp on the computer.

I will be able to wait till next year before I will need my computer for CAD, so does anyone think there might be a NEW MacBook Pro and think I should wait to get more bang for my buck$?

Any words of Advice on which MacBook to buy?

Thanks so much!




  1. Get a new Macbook with both operating system ,the key is to get it both installed Leopard can do that with Bootcamp ,but make sure you buy it with two operating system already install ,or else it would be a pain in neck for you to install windows on it,I have one and it is great,here is to take a look at it

  2. If you are running 3D CAD stuff - a MacBook isn't going to cut it, sorry.  If you want a Mac to do that - it has to be a MacBook Pro.  I used my MacBook Pro wtih XP on boot camp to run Autodesk Alias and Solidworks (my CAD stuff).  The graphics card in the MacBook isn't good enough and it just won't run it well.  

    Keep in mind also that the program will not offer support if you have issues in XP on your Mac.  They probably do not provide support for that as most CAD programs for Windows do not - I know Autodesk doesn't.

    Also, it can get annoying to switch from Windows to Mac - but that is your choice.  You may want to buy two copies of Word for Windows and Mac so when doing projects you don't have to constantly switch - this was a huge issue for me.

    There is going to be a new MacBook Pro coming out soon but not soon enough.   I think it's in the fall - maybe.  I've heard rumors from a friend at the Apple store.

    Just make sure it has a good graphics card - at the least 256mb vRAM , preferably for you 512mb.

    Good luck.

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