I recently bought a 52" Samsung LCD 1080p HDTV, but the TV is grainy because the sources are not hi-def. While the underlying question is "What do I do to fix the grainy-picture problem," I have come to conclusion o my own that I should buy a hi-def player. I am currently thinking buying Samsung BD-P1500 Blu-Ray player, but I have read on the Internet that PS3 is probably the best Blu-Ray player out in the market. I like PS3, but I already own Xbox360 and PS2 and I am having a hard time convincing myself to buy yet another game console. I have also read that an alternative to Blu-Ray player is an upconverting DVD player, such as Oppo DV-981HD.
What hi-def player should I buy? Or should I not spend money on a hi-def player and find another way to fix the grainy-picture problem? Please kindly provide your reasoning/explanation along with your answer posting.
Thank you very much.