
Should I buy a Samsung Blu-Ray player, Playstation 3, an Oppo upconnerting DVD player, or what should I do...?

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I recently bought a 52" Samsung LCD 1080p HDTV, but the TV is grainy because the sources are not hi-def. While the underlying question is "What do I do to fix the grainy-picture problem," I have come to conclusion o my own that I should buy a hi-def player. I am currently thinking buying Samsung BD-P1500 Blu-Ray player, but I have read on the Internet that PS3 is probably the best Blu-Ray player out in the market. I like PS3, but I already own Xbox360 and PS2 and I am having a hard time convincing myself to buy yet another game console. I have also read that an alternative to Blu-Ray player is an upconverting DVD player, such as Oppo DV-981HD.

What hi-def player should I buy? Or should I not spend money on a hi-def player and find another way to fix the grainy-picture problem? Please kindly provide your reasoning/explanation along with your answer posting.

Thank you very much.




  1. I suggest you consider buying the PS3 becuase it is true that it is the best blu-ray player out on the market to date. and is one of the few players than can update its firmware. It to can upconvert DVD's and if you have old PS1 and PS2 games.

    Along with this it is one of the cheaper ones $399 the samsung costs relatively the same price however with the PS3 you get a game system along with it.

  2. Just to make a minor correction, the PS3 is already profile 2.0 with the free firmware upgrade. You would be fully compatible plus you'd be able to upgrade further when the next version comes out for BD. If you do decide to go with the PS3 (highly recommended) get the BD remote for it too. It makes playing BD disks easier and gives you most, if not all, of the features of stand alone players.

  3. either get a hd service provider or get a hd video player.not hd format that is already dead.hd video player can b bluray or ps3.oppo might b just a little different on price but can't play bd disc coz it's not bluray player.if u really concern about picture quality go for hi-def video player.

    think of ps3 compare to bluray player...ps3 is cheaper n does the same job plus u can get optional chance to play game if u like.a real bluray player has a disadvantage of not being able to play game but an advantage of look good in the style to match up with other av equipments.

    decision is urs.above r pro n con only.good luck.

  4. Get the PS3.

    Your TV already does up-converting. While the Oppo would be a bit better - there is only so much you can do with 480 lines.

    Sony is committed to keeping the PS3 up-to-date, but will be adding features to force people who bought profile 1.0 players to re-purchase.

    Some of your PS2 games will play on the PS3 so you may be able to simply replace it.

    You really should upgrade normal TV service to High Def or at least try putting up an antenna to get free locals.  It will let you see what that TV can do for a $30 antenna investment.

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