
Should I buy a ball machine?

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I am a sort of beginner... I play with my boyfriend everyday and we are decent, but obvious beginners.

Will a ball machine help us to be better players or should be just continue to hit back and forth instead. We don't put much spin on the ball or anything.




  1. No. A ball machine cant replace a human player in terms of smart play, and companionship. Moreover, I think that, being a beginner, you should focus on improving  your game a little more before getting one.

    Also, those machines are quite expensive, and I would only recommend you get one if you are going to put the time and effort to practice with it often.

  2. Tennis is just as much a mental sport as an athletic sport. A ball machine will help you perfect your strokes, but it won't help you get to the ball, learn how to place the ball, learn when to use topspin vs backspin, or get used to match play. Hitting a forehand against a ball machine is WAY different than hitting a forehand in a match against a real opponent. I wouldn't recommend buying one, unless you have absolutely no one to hit with. Even then, you could enter some tournaments. Match play is the best experience you can get.  

  3. You should become much better to buy a ball machine. Mabye when you are an intermediate-advanced.

  4. I suggest you should practice more before you get the ball machine because it won't really help as much than rally with you bf. You should try getting used to the game and improve with some tennis lessons or tips from others. When you think you have a okay ground strokes but it isn't accurate then you could by a ball machine if you want because you can adjust where the ball  would be so you basically just building up accuracy.  

  5. Well, i bought a ball machine and improved by far, because u get the same ball and can work on specific things so i think it would be smart. i have been playing tennis since i was 5 and am 13

  6. NO, you should not buy a ball machine.  Since you're a beginner, what you can do with your bf is to buy tennis balls and a rack and practice with each other.  He can feed the ball to you just like a ball machine and you can do to his taking turn.  With this method, you can place the ball short or long, corner, spin for each others.  Also, you can rent a ball machine from a local tennis shop if they have it and see how it works for you. Also, you can practice on the Hitting Wall if your local have one.  In addition, if you want to be a better players, you 2 can take a private lesson, join league at local shop, play with other people. Try it out ONce.

    I hope this help

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