
Should I buy a cockatiel now when I only have 3 years to spend witith ?

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I'm in 10 grade and I was wondering if i should buy a cockatiel.

After I go to college it will be alone the house till like 4 o clock and my parents will play with it and take it outside for at least 1-2 hours.

Please help me whether on if it's worth buying a cockatiel that I will only be able to spend a limited time with.





  1. yes

  2. noooooooo plz dont it will be super sad

  3. I am in the 10th grade right now too and I just got my cockatiel but I have wanted one for many years.  I know that I will be able to take care of my bird until I leave for college, which will be in about 3 years, and after I do leave, my little brother, sister, mother, and father will be able to take care of it.  But if you think you will be able to take care of it for the 3 years till you leave and your parents can devote some time to the bird everyday when you are gone, I personally say go for it.  Ive only had my bird for a few days and I love it.  Try to get a hand-raised cockatiel if you do get one, it really helps alot.  Hope this helps you in your decision :)

  4. As a cockatiel owner i say No.

    First, a bird should not be left outside for an hour or two. How do you expect it to get cool? Know how many predators can get into a cage and eat the bird? We are talkign about snakes, cats, larger birds, large spiders (like the wolf spider in certain areas) and more. Birds need to come out of the sunlight and being outside makes that impossible.

    Think about an english budgee parakeet. Get one that is hand raised if you want to hold it. Cockatiels live for about 15 to 25 years. Mine is 17 right now and very young acting! Parakeets live for 7 to 12 years. Mine is 8 right now.

    finches i think live only about 3 to 5 years.

    Regular parakeets live only about 5 years.

    Getting a pet and then leaving it isnt' nice and often the bird will show major signs of distress. With their major person leaving them, they will often pluck themselves of feathers. Not cute looking.

    A pet should only be purchased when you have that many years to give.

    Hamsters i believe last around 3 years, that might be the ideal.

    Birds are extremely noisy, extremely messy and need attention daily. They also need more than just just bird food, they need fruits, veggies and meat as well to keep them healthy and happy.  

  5. yes

  6. Pet birds should not be outside in direct sunlight or just left unattended outside...maybe you meant outside its cage for 1-2 hours? that is a great idea.

    My cockatiel is very lovable and was very much worth getting. If you really want a pet, and don't mind a little responsibility, then go for it. He also has a personality! I mean, it is just wonderful having him around.

    Also, I agree with the other guy on adopting one.  There are many lonely cockatiels waiting for a home.

  7. if you think that it will be taking care of yes if not no

  8.    First off you should not BUY any animal..  There are more than enough that need to be adopted, including birds.  No !!!!!! you should not obtain a cockatiel.  Birds are the number one impulse "buy".  Birds need attention.  They bond to primary caregiver.  Your situation is not conducive for a positive life for any bird.  And you must consider the bird, it is not all about you.  Find sometime and volunteer at your local animal shelter instead.  

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