
Should I buy a house that used to have termites, but the have been eradicated?

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I went to go look at a house which i really like. Unfortunately it had termites which have now been exterminated. The damage is minor (easily repairable) but according to the pest control report it has a high risk of infestation and the 'general remarks' were that they recommend to keep all wood off the ground.

any thoughts?




  1. if you like  the house get a termite inspection guarantee that the seller pays so you can have the house inspected every year no charge to you

  2. no i wouldnt we brought the house we are in 10 years ago and they said then  the same thing the termites came back 2 years later and we have had them every year since .. i would not bother with the house it will cost you big time in the long run believe me i know we can not even sell the thing now we are stuck with it.  

  3. there are two types of homes..those that have had termites and those that will get termites in the future, just a fact of nature.  If the home was properly treated you should be ok. Keeping wood off of the ground will be put on every termite report I fill out. chances are you will be able to transfer the warranty of the termite work to your name and if nothing else you have saved on the cost of the initial treatment

  4. Any wood structure that hasn't been treated (and even some that are) will  probably get termites at one time or another. They live in the ground and spread through out the whole neighborhood. Keeping wood off the ground and away from the walls of your house is just good sense, but I had never heard that before buying our house. Before you buy, make sure you check places like the eves of the house under the edge of the roof, and if it has any wood paneling, try to use your hand and knock all around on it. We thought our house only had minor damage until after we bought it. The eves were eaten up and the paneling was turned into dust by them but we never checked those areas! Byee

  5. We did the exact thing.

    Our house had past termite damage but we installed baiting stations and get the property checked yearly. Things have been fine so far.

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