
Should I buy a leather couch with vinyl sides?

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I'm shopping for a leather couch and have found 1 that I like but the sides and back are not leather. (It's a Cindy Crawford one from the Brick Furniture store.) The salesman said it's "leatherette" so I assume this is vinyl. I would like to buy a full grain leather sofa and am concerned about the vinyl sides. I have a 13 and an 11 year old that will likely spend hours every day lounging on the sofa and I'm concerned the vinyl will wear differently than the leather. Does anyone have any advice or recommendations? Thanks.




  1. This is usually called "leather match", meaning it is leather where you sit and touch and a matching color vinyl on the back and sides. It is merely a cost saver. It is most common in reclining furniture; it compensates for the added expense of reclining mechanisms. It is no longer common on stationary sofas.

    There really is not a durability issue. But the leather can change over time and the vinyl will not (much) so the differences in the panels can become obvious. However, if you cannot tell now, it probably will not be a big problem in the future.

    Reclining - OK

    Stationary - Better be dirt cheap; other all leather sofas  already are.

    Bycast or bonded leather - should be cheaper still; inferior product that is cheaper to produce.

  2. We bought new all-leather furniture on Ebay from  Bari Leather Furniture, Orlando, FL .

    We have had it 5 years and it is still gorgeous.  Heavy, sturdy frame, full leather with generous proportions.

    And, it was reasonable!!

  3. i advise you don't buy it. we used to own a vinyl sofa, and it didn't hold up very well. tears and rips with too much use.

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