
Should I buy a longboard or minimal?

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I really want to learn to longboard (such as hanging ten and cross-stepping etc) although I'm quite limited for space so would rather avoid the typical longboard size if possible (there's some sense to that contradiction!). I've seen some minimals which I would class as the traditional longboard shape rather than a minimal shape (ie. with very round noses). Does anyone know if this type of minimal shape would work for the purpose I want it for? Stupid question I know but I only know the very basics in terms of board shapes :-)




  1. I am 5'6 and about 135lbs...... I have a 7'4" fun board. I love it!!! It's quick enough to catch the smaller waves and it's a lot of fun on the bigger waves. I don't have a rounded nose on mine but it isnt exactly as pointed as on the short boards... it's kinda inbetween. it's a great board though, it multipurposes.

  2. Look up NSP surfboards on the internet, it should be easy to find, there will be a 7;2 surfboard which should be perfect for you . Great for learning - hanging 10 - dancing - hand stands - and nice smooth steady surfing.

  3. Ya, I would stick with the short board

  4. Yeah nobody calls those things the same thing.  Eggs...Hybrids...or whatever.  Here's the deal.  Longboards are cool, all laid back and such but if you're limited with quick breaking waves you should stick with your shortboard.  You'll get way more waves than you ever could on that longboard.  It'll ruin you day otherwise.  If it was me I'd get a hybrid or longboard if you know a place to get slow breaking waves otherwise just hold off.

  5. What you're looking for is a "Fun" board.  Fun boards are usually 7-8 ft., and ride just like a normal sized long board.  The shape and body are carbon copys, just scaled down for the very purpose that you need them for.  They come in tri and quad fin bottoms too.  Check 'um out.

  6. I have one question for you. How big are you? By this I mean, from your profile I see you're a girl. How tall and strong are you? I ask this because a proper longboard (over 9 ft) can be big, heavy and quite cumbersome to lug down to the local break. So You would also need to take this into the equations as well.

    Anyway if you want to get into old school longboard surfing then I would suggest getting a minimal. There is one in Aussie called a fat arsed wombat made by Bear Surfboards that is used and recommended by Beau Young. He is one of the hottest longboarders around at the moment.

    I'm sure that there are other manufacturers around that do similar types and there are also many that do specific female boards. Designed for a smaller and lighter surfer.

    Good luck finding one

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