
Should I buy a new Toyota or a used car from an owner?

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I totaled my car a month ago and I had so many problems with that car (I bought it from an owner). I had to repair it three times and the were not cheap little repairs either.

And it's also about safety. Are newer cars safer? When I was in a car accident the air bags didn't go off when the owner told me that there were airbags and I had to be taken to the ER, etc. I just want to make sure that I am safer if there ever is a next time. Also, I want a Yaris, but would it be safer to get something a big bigger to lessen the impact?




  1. the safety features in the yaris are excellent, it's a great economical safe small car, i would try to go new, better warranty and such but a good near new second hand one would still have new car warranty on it.

  2. Well, being an american, if I were to buy a new car, Id buy from an american automaker. Being that our economy is in the slump right now and our auto industry is hurting, I would rather contribute, personally. You could probably find a killer deal..but you probably could also find a real good deal on a used one, theres a lot of fairly used repos out there right now too, or people who need to sell and are desperate to make a deal..and bigger is definitely suv saved my life..if i were in something smaller I probably wouldnt be here..

  3. I would always buy used cars since they go down in value as soon as you drive them off the lot.  You may want to buy a certified used car from the dealer.  This means that they have checked the car on several different points and it is running well. Also, the car has to have passed several tests and have low milage.  Usually they still have warranty left on them.

  4. Get a used car from a dealership. If you're looking at a new Yaris something like a used(05 or so) Accord coupe would be perfect for you. They are safer than the Yaris(both in airbags and in active safety like handling) and look better.

  5. Buy used, get something that is a year or two old.  They will be new enough to be safe, but you will still save some money.  Safety?  Toyota builds a safe car, so does Honda and they are both very reliable.

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