
Should I buy a pet ??

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Im always afraid of getting a pet becuase If I get a pet and become to attached to it and then it dies ... I'll be really sad and depressed :\




  1. get a fish.

    i have a betta and i love him.

    and i know he has a short life span, so i

    cant get attached.

    my fishy knows when im around...swimming

    like a fish (lol) back n forth following me

    around as i walk back in forth

  2. I think that you should get a pet. well if you have fun with your pets then i think you should get another pet.

  3. dying is a part of living, may i suggst ferret?

  4. Yes its ok if a pet passes away. You will get over it and you can get another. I know a lot people will be sad when you pass away but they will always know u are in there hearts. Dont worry...if you get  pet you have a long time if you take care of it before it passes away.

  5. No, get a real friend.  They are less work.

  6. yes you should difenatly get a pet because if it does past it can help u get over a friend or family members death and beifit you in a way and the are great for when you dont feel well or being harmed
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