
Should I buy a used x-box 360 from e-bay?

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I'm hesitant to buy anything used but it is more than a hundred dollars cheaper. What if it breaks? Is it worth it?




  1. try it but look for the sellers rep if it is bad bon't buy anything from him if it is good why not

  2. don't do it those ppl will rly s***w u over

    nd even if it does work it ll end up stop working b4 a new game would

    in my opinion its not worth it id rather get a new 1

  3. No. Xbox's have a tendency to have reliability problems. Buy it new, where you will get a one year garuantee, and the option to buy further years of cover in case of a RROD.

  4. Nope.

    Even IF it works, it would be an older model.  Before Microsoft corrected the fan problem. So it might not last long after that.

  5. Not worth it dude. They're already risky enough new.

  6. no, don't get 2nd hand one unless it has like a year gaurentee.

    because 360's break alot anyway, a 2nd hand one will probably be even worse

  7. No, If you want a cheap one buy a preowned one from gamestation as they always check the console works before selling you it

  8. If you would like quality, a local electronics store would be idea.

    EB games is a great example and you can buy insurance.

    On Ebay there are lots of bargains, but if you insist on buying on ebay you must check that the seller has a positive feedback rating, read the comments and check for every little detail.

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