
Should I buy a watermelon when I go to the grocery store Monday? Don't know what I should do, SO HELP!!!!!!??

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What should I do? I don't know what to do. Should I buy a watermelon? HELP!!!!! I DON'T KNOW SO HEEELLPPP!!!!




  1. Go ahead. They're good.  

  2. yes! its yummy :D

  3. The watermelon nutritional value is modest, but largely counterbalanced by the advantage to consume big quantities without incurring in problems of weight or overeating.

    The pulp has a very low caloric content (30 kcal/100 g), it does not contain fats and it is very rich in potassium, thus making the watermelon an excellent snack for both children and adults, as well as  representing a useful food for all athletes or, more generally, for all of us, after a hot summer day .

    The watermelon is rich in Vitamin A, B6 and C and it is a good source of potassium, while its content in sodium is very low. Owing to the lack of fats, it is considered a healthy food for the heart, meeting the guidelines for the fight against cholesterol. Besides, the thirst-quenching value of the pulp is high, owing to the high content in water, over 90%.

    Therefore, its popularity is more than deserved: it refreshes, thirst-quenches, hydrates and purifies the body, without introducing too many caloriesThe red colour of the pulp is determined, as in the tomato, by the presence of Lycopene. The lycopene is a carotenoid acting as an antioxidant towards the free radicals, with beneficial effects in the prevention of particular carcinomas and pathologies of the cardiovascular system. The watermelon pulp contains about 4 mg of Lycopene per 100 g of product. The Government of the United States has promoted also a web site with all the information useful on this important substance. Connect to  (site  in English) to learn more.

    YESS BUY A WATERMELON =]]  !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...

  4. yes!!! buy a watermelon!! they are good :)

  5. yes water mellons are good they are good treatment for constipation also  

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