
Should I buy another Russian Dwarf hamster?

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I got a Russian Dwarf Hamster a while ago. She's a good and cute hamster, but i think she might be lonely. My mom also wants another one, so should i or not?




  1. Hamsters dont get lonely, but dwarves dont mind friends go ahead get her a buddeh.

  2. You can if you want. However, be prepared with a separate cage. Usually, it is much better to buy two from the same cage/litter at the pet shop, because they can get used to a new environment together.

    If you play with her enough, then she shouldn't be too lonely. They do tend to get territorial, and introducing another hamster has a relatively low success rate, at least that I've seen or heard about. So be prepared to separate them if they start fighting, and have a second cage on hand, just in case.

    Oh and, wear a pair of leather gloves, just in case you have to reach into the cage to separate them.  

  3. If you want.

  4. They may get along but there is a chance they will start fighting.  Hamsters that are established in their own environment or who are older can become very territorial.  If you do decide to get one have a spare cage ready.  

    If you noticed them roll into a ball and squeak loudly that is a full blown fight and they must be separated immediately with strong gloves.  

  5. I would. Especially if you don't have a lot of time to devote to the little sweetie. If you got another one, you wouldn't have to worry about her being alone. She'd always have a little friend. But if you didn't, she would have to pin her social status solely on you. This may sound like a lot speaking for a hamster, but if a creature lives, it deserves to live happily.  

  6. You can get another one, but prepare for lots of fighting between the two! If you have a female they will be very aggressive and territorial. Two males don't have as big of a chance to fight, but most likely will. Prepare to separate the two like me. Hamsters fight to the death... be careful if you get another one.  

  7. Dwarf hamstersare always happier with a friend. I would deff suggest it, if you both want, and are ready to take on another.

    Just make sure it's the same s*x. Wouldn't want surprise babies. lol.

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