
Should I buy my girlfirend Cannibis?

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My Girlfriend is presently trying to recover from alcoholism. Her last drink was five days ago. She recieved her medication antabuse (which makes it impossible to drink alcohol) on Friday and has been taking them since then. Tonight she has broken down and wants me to get some cannibis for her to take the edge of things.

I am afraid that this will stop her other medication from working correctly i.e. anti depressants and anti craving drugs.

She has told me that she wont kick the a** out of it if I obtain it for her but we have two young children and am afraid that as she has done in the past she will yet again.

I will be the bad man if I dont sort it out.

Has anybody got experience in this matter???? a professional opinion would be well appreciated. Thanks




  1. Detox is going to be rough, you should expect it.  The best thing you can do is sit it out with her.  It may be best to even leave the children in the care of someone else you trust for the next week, if that's practical.

    It will get worse, most likely, but will get better eventually, if you can stick it out.

    I'm not a professional, but someone close to me went on detox.

  2. No, she is replacing one mild altering substance with another.  

  3. Agreed. The night is darkest before the dawn. She is going to have it rough until the addiction leaves her body, which will take time. Don't help her lose one problem by trading it for another. Plus you shouldn't expose your children to that kind of environment.

  4. I would definitely suggest NOT getting her any drugs. All she's trying to do is replace her addiction to alcohol with an addiction to something else. If you get her drugs then she will know that she can always rely on you to get it for her and she can continue her addictive behavior. Be there for her but don't let her continue to be an addict. She'll thank you when she's free of her disease.  

  5. im no professional, but don't even think about giving her that.

  6. ok bro this serious

    i think u should talk to her

    and then consult with a doctor

    there are many comunities where you GF can be taken care off

  7. I am not a professional but I have alcoholics and drug addicts in my extended family. I would not buy her the marijuana because you cannot substitute one drug for another. If she is an alcoholic she probably has an addictive personality, and she will go from alcoholic to pothead.

    She needs to stay away from all drugs and alcohol. Don't be afraid of being the bad guy, that is what she needs. Not an enabler. Give it some time the medications will work and she needs to work as well and can't expect to magically feel great after quitting drinking.

    I have a cousin who is an alcoholic and is addicted to meth. When he stops doing the meth then he drinks to take the edge off which he thinks is better than doing the other but it is just a substitution.

  8. Well I'm not a professional opinion or I don't have any experience in this matter but I'll just give my opinion anyway.

    Personally, I don't think you should buy your girlfriend these drugs as you are fuelling the addiction and if you want her to get better then the anti depressant and anti craving drugs probably won't work as well as they would without the extra drugs.

    Hope i helped, even if a small bit!


  9. NO.

    Getting over one addiction and feeding into the next will get her nowhere, and may even set her back on binge drinking. Especially with two children in the house, do you realize what kind of an example you'd be setting?

  10. NO!!!!!!!!  

  11. the thing you have to be careful about it her simply replacing one addiction with another, i do it, most people do, like msot smokers start drinking loads of coffee when they quit or start eating ltos of food.

    when i quit smoking, i did that.

    so maybe you could try and find another way to take the edge of things? i know it must be hard to see her breaking down, but it would be worst if she started having weed a lot, to be honest i see no problem with cannabis occasionaly b ut when it wbecomes a habit then there is a big problem

  12. absolutely NOT. she's kicking one drug and looking for another. do not enable her!

    she needs to keep going to meetings (AA) and counseling.

  13. There is nothing wrong with good ol' cannibis! I take 30mg Paxil (antidepressant) every day and smoke as well. Nothing wrong with me! I don't drink but I would smoke than rather guzzle down god-awful alcohol.

  14. buy her some ice cream and tell her if she can make it through another week or two then u can compromise with her. in the meantime let her eat ice cream instead its so yummy and is bound to take her mind off things for a little. be careful tho because some people just have an addictive personality and she might not be able to get away from the ice cream or the weed so be very careful dont let her pig out just have a bowl with her and call it quits for the night or something like that

  15. Um, it's obvious that your girlfriend has addiction problems, so giving her another substance that is easily and frequently abused is not the answer here.

    If you're afraid for your kids, take them away somewhere.

    It's good that she's trying to recover from alcoholism but you can't give up one addiction just to start another.

    It's not a good idea.

  16. NO! do not buy her drugs. If she is an alcoholic, you are just encouraging her to substitute one drug for another. Think man! It will also mess up her medication. It is rough to begin with but if you give this to her you will be just setting her up to go back to the same old thing as before. Do you want that? Don't be an enabler and get your own self to an alanon meeting.

    She has to face both demons at one time or she will fail at all of them. The depression and the substance abuse must be faced together. This is not one that you can treat one and when it's better, treat the other. They are connected and if she fails at one, she will fail at both.

  17. it will absolutely affect her medication, and you should be responsible enough (even if it's just for your children's sake) to know that she is not well in the head and should not have any unpresribed narcotics, especially if it is illegal... as a good father, you should know when to walk away... and you SHOULD try and help her, but also know when she is beyond help and you need to protect your kids... i understand that she may not be a bad mother, but she is not healthy... and she needs help.... it may be beyond her control... but you need to do what you need to do to protect your kids... hope this helps :)

  18. I honestly don't think you should.

    If she is already getting professional help then leave it to them.

    Just being there for her will do.

    Chloe =]

  19. The pot probably won't mess with those medicines unless they specifically state it.

    That page talks about cannabis and alcoholism.

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