
Should I buy my supplies in the US or Canada?

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i live in canada but i always go to the states in the summer.

I don't like the pencils in the US because when you erase, it leaves a mark on the paper. But the Canada ones are so good.

Where should i buy my SCHOOL supplies?




  1. I'd say buy it in Canada if the price difference isn't huge like when I bought a few pairs of Nike sneakers for around half the price Canadian price in the US as a Canadian. If you feel like buying in the states, just buy from a pencil brand of decent quality and you probably will still save.

  2. If you're happy with what you use, why switch for the summer.  As the old saying goes "If it ain't broke, don't fix it."

  3. i'd say get it from canada, because i'd rather buy the one that is better even if its more expensive.

  4. Canada, even though it's expensive. it will always pay off.

  5. i suggest u buy them in the us just in the right stores for example office max has alot of variety of pencils and led pencils also if u want to try staples there they have more and they could have specials or discounts so yeah just try one of those

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