
Should I buy one chinchilla or two?

by  |  earlier

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I'm worried one on its own would get lonely.Please help!




  1.  Chinchilla's tend to get lonely if you aren't home often. I suggest getting two of them. Usually the same gender is better, espeacially if you want to avoid breeding. DO NOT breed, there are many little Chinchilla's who are in need of homes you don't want to just dump them in some SPCA. If you are a trained breeder then, nevermind what I just said. Some Chinchilla's that are left alone often end up getting lonely, and start getting nervous. This can lead to bitting them selves, biting off their fur and other bad things that can lead to a visit to the vet, or worse... death.

    It's great that you want to take on those cute little kritters. Enjoy and take care of them!

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