
Should I buy paint in a 5 Gallon can or a 1 Gallon can?

by  |  earlier

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Posted here last week regarding a paint mixing problem and as it turned out, the Lowe's I was going to has consistently had mixing problems. Went to another Lowe's and they mixed just fine and the color was consistent to our little sample. Anyway, we bought one 1 gallon can of paint and painted two walls. It came out great and we are going forward with the color, but want to ensure the walls will be consistent in color with the two walls we just painted. We've been told that every batch of paint is never mixed exactly the same. Not sure if this is true.

Anyway, our question is - is it better to get five 1 gallon cans vs one 5 gallon can and mix together? I'm just thinking that since the paint was mixed fine in a one gallon, the formula would be the same, rather than being adjusted to a 5 gallon can potentially skewing the color a bit.





  1. when you are mixing colors  the amount of dye is not scientifically precise. Painters as a rule alway purchase paint in 5 gallon containers to insure there is enough of the correct color to complete the job. If they purchase 2 five gallon containers then they intermix the 2 together.

    If you are buying a couple of gallons then you should intermix them.

    Does that make it clear??

  2. depends are you going to need that much paint if not i would go with the 1 gallon.they are going to come out the same when they mix the paint do not worry.the color will be right why buy more paint than waht you need.

  3. its probably better to get the 5 gallon can, because sometimes they do have to adjust the ratios of different paints to do a bigger amount. if you get a 5 gallon can, and it's too much, you can sometimes take the rest back, or give it too somebody else who likes the colour. that way, none of it goes to waste, and you never know, you could be a colour trend setter!

  4. If you buy more than one container (doesn't make a difference if it is 1 gallon or 5) of the same color, you always mix them together before starting to paint. This is the only way you are assured the color will be consistent.

  5. if u are going to use most of the 5 gallon pail then that's the way I'd go to insure all walls are the same color...only takes a drop to change the color....if only 3 gallons will be need then buy yourself a empty 5 gallon pail and mix all your 1 gallon cans together....they have empty pails and lids there in the paint section

  6. if the area is large, I suggest getting the bigger 5 gallon and then if you have to do touch ups you dont have to worrry.

    I just touched up my hallway 3 years after it was originally painted and it worked great,

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