
Should I buy psp or ps3 or xbox 360 ?????

by  |  earlier

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please help and tell me there price if you know





  1. If you're into portable gaming and doesn't care whether the graphics sooo good or not buy the PSP...

  2. i think, going by their prices,the safest bet is always Xbox 360... by my knowlegde the prices are:

    PSP: around 150 to 200 dollars

    PS3: around 400 to 500 dollars

    XboX 360: around 250 to 300 dollars..

    i really dont exactly know their prices in the US..but when it comes to money value, the XBox 360 is the best bet..they give enhansed graphics and gaming and WiFi and a lot more for a modest price...i love the PSP, but it aint that safe in handling,and the UMD games arent that easy to get..

    hope i helped u!

  3. if you have money.. buy all the three.

  4. Xbox 360 Core Arcade:

    Xbox 360 Core:

    Xbox 360 Elite:

    Xbox 360 Pro:

    PS3 40 GB:

    PS3 60 GB (Pre-Owned)

    Good Luck

  5. Definetly don't get the PSP not because it's bad but because it doesn't compare to the PS3 or the 360. I had the 360 but then I sold it for the PS3. The 360 isn't a bad console but the PS3 is alot better for quite a few reasons. First off don't be fooled by the price tag of the 360 and the PS3 because although the PS3 is more initially, by the time you by all the accessories you need for the 360 you'll have ended up spending about 400-500 dollars more than you would if you buy the PS3. The PS3 is 400 to 500 dollars depending on which model you get. The 360 is 350 but it ends up being about 700 800 dollars after you by all the add-ons you'll want and need. They both have on online service so that you can play online against others. The 360's costs 50 dollars per year while on the other hand the PS3's is free(for both consoles you'll need an internet connection.) I'll start with the pros and cons of the 360. Some pros is it has a good online service that is well organized. Good games. Wireless controller. A headset is included so that you can talk to others while playing a game. The cons are it more than likely will break on you atleast once, I would know it happend to me. The online costs 50 dollars a year. Very expensive. The controller uses batteries so once the batteries die which usually happens every 4 days you will have to replace them which can add up. The PS3's pros are, it has a built in Blu-Ray player so you can watch your favortie movies in HD. Has a very nice wireless controller which you can charge with the USB cable that comes with the console. Very good game collection with tons of exclusive titles. Free online service. You can use the internet with it. Great graphics which can run at full 1080p. You can store your favorite photos music and videos onto it's hard drive, and say you fill up the hard drive you can replace it with a bigger hard drive. There's many more features that I don't have the time to tell you about, Although if you feel like finding out more search on the official playstation site

  6. It really Depends what you want to use it for. If you want to be able to take it with you wherever you go and use it for more than just games than i would suggest the PSP. It holds everything you need, has internet access and it will provide hours of fun. You can connect wireless to other PSP's and play with your friends. This is a great little console that will only cost about $280.

    However if you want the serious gaming experience and you are willing to spend the money you should buy the PS3 over the Xbox 360. The PlayStation 3 Has a 40GB Hard drive, the 360 only has a 20GB, the PlayStation 3 doesn't suffer problems like overheating and 'the Red Ring of Death'.It also newer, more powerful computer software and hardware, plus it has an inbuilt Blu-Ray DVD player. The 360 has a paid HD DVD player add on which is useless because HD DVD s are no longer made. The PS3's Fan is much quieter than the 360's, and the Controllers are rechargeable and up to seven people can play at once, where as the 360 only 4 people can play and the controllers are constantly need the batteries replaced. Both Consoles have Internet access. For the 360 you have to buy a wireless adapter or use a cable but the PS3 come with wireless built in. The PS3 is more expensive than the 360, The PS3 being $700 and the 360 being only $500, but it is definitely worth it as it is "future proof" and it will be the competition for about 3 to 5 years, probably more. All consoles have a great range of games and which one you buy is up to you.


    In September/November a new PS3 console will be released. It will have an 80GB , all the standard features, no PS2 compatibility but will only be $500. When using these consoles you should use a Full 1080p HD T.V

  7. psp slim. the slim one because you can plug it into your tv. and when you get the chance AFTERWARDS - get a ps3 as you can connect them up. make sure you get some cool psp accessories (the psp slim and light is also called the psp 2000)

  8. The PSP can connect to your PS3. If you can get both I would.

  9. not too good wit prices but i am good with telling the best which is Playstation 3

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