
Should I buy this 1996 Volvo 850 Turbo?

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could somebody look at that carefully and get back to me, i would appreciate the help so much, thank y'all.




  1. no, its dirty so i can tell you the owner doesn't even take care of it..its almost 13 years old..for that price you can definitely get a newer if the turbo breaks (which will probably break soon) it will cost a fortune to fix.

    it looks like a grandma car..had the price been lower..i might consider

  2. do you own $1,000 worth of tools?

    if no

    keep looking this car is too old and expensive to own and repair.

  3. I like it alot, I would especially if you have the money, you could tint the windows on it and it would be straight up PIMP!

  4. I've been a Volvo enthusiest and owner for many, many years. This particular model is nice but expensive to mod. OEM replacment parts are cheap but working on these cars is difficult so labour anywhere will be expensive. The turbo will not break. There is no history of this problem. If you like Volvos and want a great sports sedan the 850 T5R is awsome. The S40 from '96-'04 is a good car to mod aswell. All are great resellers and, if maintain well, they'll run forever.

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