I'm not a pro photographer or anything, but I'm considering buying a Nikon D60. I am rather passionate about taking pictures and do so as much as I possibly can. I will be taking a Photography class during my fall semester of college, and I will need an SLR for it. I figured this was the best choice, as well as the most affordable for the quality.
While I have considered buying this camera from an electronic store, I have also been searching on Ebay for other options. I found this camera and thought it was a great deal; but after reading some of the reviews, many of the customers say that the extras are quite cheap.
Like I stated earlier, I am no pro so I don'tt know the difference between the included lenses or anything.. Which is why I am here for help. The way I figure, I would be paying $800 for the camera itself, might as well get the extras. :)
Here is the link: http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&ssPageName=STRK:MEWAX:IT&item=200228126757
Thanks for help