
Should I buy this airsoft rifle?

by  |  earlier

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and I dont have that much money, my job only gets me $16 a week, im only 14




  1. Don't waste your money. It might not be a lot (other than the shipping) but I have had experience buying a cheap gun and it's much more worth it to save up about $150-$200 and buy a full metal Classic Army or Tokyo Marui. More expensive but it will out last $150-$200 worth of cheap plastic guns. Trust me. Also, anything under 300 fps is weak.

  2. G'Day mate don't buy it now just wait the last 30 seconds and put yr max bid you wanna pay (that's if it E bay we are talking about)  that's what i do,and if nobody has a bid on it when you see it just put it on watch don bid on it when you see it because it can start a bidding frenzy.Wait the last 30 to 20 seconds and bid, for example just say i wanna bid on a bike and my max is $200 and the item is at $80 with 0 or 1 bid on it,just wait the last 30 to 20 seconds and bid your $200. You should win it unless he has put a big bid on it high than yours,but if he only bid ed  $100 you will win it for  $100 because your max was higher than his max bid. cheer mate

  3. I'll seek for better one...

  4. buy it now man I feel your pain that happened to me three times buy it man

  5. if u can find it in a store yes but like the other guy said, 20 bucks in shipping is a lot

  6. no, unless you want a weak *** gun, ebay is not the place to buy airsoft guns, im an ebay freak, and airsoft freak, but it good for bb's

  7. i wouldnt, it doesnt look that great =/  

  8. $20 shipping? are you crazy?

  9. Its crazy. Don't touch it. Go buy a decent gun, not some POS on ebay.

    Or better yet, buy a real one. A Mosin Nagant is 80$ and its way more fun.  

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