
Should I buy toys to make my son popular with other kids?

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My 5 year old is in a daycare program where he is around much older kids in the mornings and afternoons. Every week, they get to bring in toys on Mondays and Thursdays. This "show and tell" has become a toy "contest" where the kids who bring the newest and coolest toys are the coolest kids in daycare. I used to adhear to this code and buy my son the newest transformers and spidermans, but honestly, I feel like he's getting spoiled. A child doesn't need a toy every week or so right? Plus, his birthday is coming up, so I'm trying to wait to buy any new toys (like the most sought after- Iron man) until then. My son has an embarrassing amount of toys that are all "old" and he really doesn't want to play with. I really want to raise him to have his own likes and dislikes and not to care what the other kids think of him, but I also want him to feel like he gets along with the other kids and I don't want him to be made fun of. What should I do?




  1. He will not only get spoiled but not know the real way to make friends or recognize when someone is his friend for him or his belongings. A new toy every week (unless he's spending his own allowance) is definitely over the top.

  2. I used to do that with my kids and their clothes.but you know what if the kids really  like him then they will not care what toys he has or what kind of clothes he wears.I got sick of wasting money on clothes and then the following week they would want something else...try letting him bring in his favorite stuffed animal,i bet all of the kids will think it is still cool...

  3. You should not buy him the toys.  You should have a talk with him stating that it doesn't matter what other people think of him.  If he still wants the toys, I suggest telling him no.  Tell him that his birthday is coming up soon, and he will get toys then.  If you keep giving him the toys, he will grow up thinking he can get what he wants when he wants it.  Have him bring in his old toys, and have him tell why HE thinks they are special.  You never know, they might become the new rage!

  4. Firstly gather up his "old" unwanted toys and tell him to pick out the ones he wants to give to a charity... he'll soon like half of them again all of a sudden.

    Secondly a toy per week will spoil him until he expects too much, which will make teenage reality more painful for him when he has to support himself and lacks the "lavish" lifestyle he was once accustomed to.

    Thirdly if he learns to associate superficial things like toys, items or games as the key to popularity... he will be used by those around him for those items and not actually gain any popularity. He will become dependent on money and material possessions rather than developing interpersonal/social skills.

    Give him enough allowance that he can save it and learn the value of money with the occasional treat/reward and spoil him rotten on his birthday, find the balance and he'll do just fine... don't worry about giving him not enough, after all discontent/desire is the driving force behind success.


  5. im a kid myself and yes, but make good decisions and ask him what toys.

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