
Should I call him back?(and answer soon!)?

by  |  earlier

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Kay, so my man was being very undecided about our relationship, whether or not he wanted to date me, and saying that there were "conflicting interests." he told me not to worry about them, and just worry about "us...". But i couldnt handle it anymore, i wanted him to decide and tell me what the conflicting interests were, but he wasnt so i called him, left him a message actually, saying that i was going to get out of this before i got, he hasnt called me back, and that was three days ago! did i do the right thing...i really like him and he likes me....but idk...should i call him back?




  1. yeah you should call him back and tell him that you cant stop thinking about it and you just need to talk about it, so you can get it off your mind.


  2. You called him three days ago and he hasn't called you back?

    NO!!!  Do not call him again.

    He's just not that into you.

  3. yea call him if that was me id be pissed

  4. Your message sounded a bit selfish, no offense! I think calling him is a very good idea! If you talk things out before making as hasty desicion, things work out better.

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