
Should I call him????

by  |  earlier

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I'm 14 and my 20 year old boyfriend hasn't called me in a week.We have slept together and he hasn't called me since.




  1. It probably isn't a great idea to tell about how you and your boyfriend did it on here. Especially since it's illegal. Depending on the guy.. he might have just broken your heart. I'm sorry. Next time be more careful. He took advantage of you. :/ Just forget about him.  

  2. maybe he is in jail........

  3. what the h**l were you sleeping with someone that is 20 when you are only 14. having a relationship with an older person is alright as you progress through life but for now it would be better to stick with some that is at least still in school. in all reality you probally arent goaren'tind the love of your life right now. he just wanted a quickie and then ditched you, sorry but pour decisions on both your and his part

  4. Maybe he realized that sleeping with a 14 year old is wrong and disgusting.

  5. I know what that feels like

    I'm sorry hun, but he did use you.

    Its funny but this quote helped me,

    Don't cry over a guy

    Let a guy cry for you

    because at the end of the day

    a girl gives and forgives

    and a guy gets and forgets

    it might help you too

  6. He used you for s*x. It's illegal. You should tell someone, so he can get his @ss in jail!

  7. Oh, darling -- I'm sorry, but you've just been had.  There's a breed of rats (I won't call them men, that's a insult to men) who like to romance young girls just to get them in bed. Once they've gotten them into bed -- that's that, they are done.

    PLEASE tell me that you or he used protection.  If not, him not calling may be the least of your worries.

    He is despicable, and really, he needs to be arrested -- having s*x with a 14 year old is illegal in every state of the union, especially since he is 20!!  Please, please, please consider telling your parents what has happened -- if he isn't stopped, then you are, in a way, helping him rape the next young girl that he targets.  Even if you enjoyed it -- at 14, you simply do not have the long-term vision and awareness of the responsibilities that would help you protect yourself.  


  8. First of all hun am sorry but he is not going to call you back he used you and second of all he's a sick man.. I hope everything gets better for you =]

  9. Sorry To Say Hun He May Of Used You For It Unless You Know He Is A Brilliant Guy.

    You Shouldn't Have Slept With Him At Your Age Far Too Young. Imagine If Your Daughter Did That To You And Fell Pregnant.

    I Wouldn't Call Him If He Was Genuine He Will Call To See How You Are If He Sleeps With You Again Be Careful He May Be Using You x  

  10. No,He used you and isn't going to call you back.

  11. call him and cruse his @ss out d**n tht effin rat call the police he used u sweety u have to do sumthing first.........KICK HIS BALLS!!!!!!!!
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