
Should I call in sick or rent a car for work tomorrow?

by  |  earlier

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I had a crazy little problem this afternoon driving back from work. This stupid truck driver cut me off badly, so in the heat of the action I pulled out my .357 and fired a couple of rounds at him. In the process I damanged acidentally my windshield. I 'm thinking of calling in sick tomorrow to go fix my windshield, and also people will not see me and ask me what happend. Or, should I go to work in a rent-a-car, and fix my windshield saturday?




  1. Get you gun to get out of working all together.

  2. I get frustrated at people's driving habits too, but I wouldn't busta cap off at anybody; if this gets you to pulling out your gun, you need anger management training.  A broken windshield isn't a reason to rent a vehicle, just get quotes to get it fixed.

  3. Go to work in a rent a car, theyre only like 30 dollars so you will make that up and more when you work, and not just lose money by taking work off. Nice Gun!!

  4. jesus christ

  5. I hope you're joking about this, but if this actually happened, then go to the police station and turn yourself in before they come track you down.  He or some bystanders probably got your license plate number anyway, and even if they didn't, it's on your conscience.

  6. just rent a car for tommorow and put that gun away I would hate for you to get pulled over and caught with that.  Also when he cut you off you were probably in his blind spot and think of this whos going to win your car or that truck.  Take it easy from now on and good luck

  7. Stop shooting at people have respect for human life . He probably meant no malice ? Take the bus and hope you did not hurt anybody. Don't carry a gun and you won't get hurt or hurt someone (please).

  8. you might be in jail instead shooting at any occupied vehicle

    is a felony as is using the gun (assault with a deadly weapon)

    how do you know the other driver didn't get your license plate number?

    also if go you fix your windshield the repair place *might be required *to notify the authorities in cases like yours

    so there's a good change you will be speaking to judge sooner or later

  9. You really popped off? I can hardly believe it, you must be joking, right? You should really get rid of your firearm before you hurt yourself or someone else. Take a bus from now on and the first stop ought to be anger management class. Sorry to be so blunt, but you asked.

  10. How about doing both... call in sick, and rent a car and take a nice vacation for the day-- you sound a little stressed...

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