
Should I call the FBI if my son refuses to put his toys away ?

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Should I call the FBI if my son refuses to put his toys away ?




  1. totally but the FBI take a while so ull have to wait have fun

  2. LMFAO thats funny yes definetly but SWAD (Special Weopens and Donuts) are good aswell.

  3. sure, seems to me that society is already expecting Big Brother Govt to do everything else...why not let them come in and parent for you....grow a pair already!

  4. Sure, why bother using any parenting skills!

  5. Is your son terrorist, alkaida? why you are kidding?

  6. Whatever you do, don't call FEMA.  They'll just send you a trailer and a cell phone a week too late.

  7. Thats what i did with my daughter at around age 3. We had toy Jail!

  8. Yes, and if they won't help, call Homeland Security.

  9. I wouldn't call the cops on the child for not picking up his toys. you need to put your foot down and explain to him about doing his part of his chores on pickng up his toys.

  10. Yes.... they might find a missing bomb in there.

  11. Yes.. immediately

  12. I think the FBI can only get involved if he takes his toys across state lines. Try the local police first.

  13. Yes, thats what i do!

  14. Unless this is sarcasm, then     What?! this question is obviously no

  15. Oh ya, I'm sure that's smart.  Please!!

  16. I did and it doesnt work

  17. Hmm, do you suppose they'd dust the house while they are there?  Could be worth looking into.

  18. I had to laugh at this.  One of my family members had to serve a few months in jail last year and now my son is constantly asking "If I do/don't do this will I go to jail?".  Sometimes I just want to tell him YES!

  19. hhaha, i did that the other day and it was very worth it. They swooped ini and put him into line right away. His room has never been cleaner

  20. I don't see that you have any other choice... the local police department would not be fully equipped or trained to deal with the situation you have on your hands. In the mean time, try to stay calm and wait till they get there.

  21. Or you could threaten to donate them to a shelter where children might actually appreciate the things they are given... calling Santa usually works for me starting after Halloween... the FBI would have no idea what to do with the messes my children make, we need OSHA.

  22. Terrance-- what do you think the FBI would think if you called them?

    If your son refuses to put his toys away, bag them up and give them away.  Also include one of his favorite toys as a penalty for having to pick them up.

    Depending on the age of the child, there are different ways to address this problem.  If he is younger, pick up the toys for him, put them on the top shelf of his closet where he can see them, but can't reach them, and make him "earn" them back.  

    Good luck--  but--  don't call the FBI      K

  23. No, call Dr. Phil

  24. Ha ha, that's good!

  25. Nope, try the CIA or NSA. Those toys are a national security issue!

  26. be a good parent and beat him yourself.

  27. obviouslyy!

  28. I call Santa Clause....he has more clout with the kids...but if your Jewish or agnostic, or athiest.....go for the FBI !! might work.

    I have a "toy jail" where toys go that aren't picked up (a big box in the garage on a high shelf.) The kids have to choose between the allowance they EARN or  to bail out a well even though the poor toys really did nothing wrong. Sad how the innocent pay.

  29. Why don't you threaten to call Santa instead?

  30. Yes, the police are the only authority trained to handle people in situations like this, no matter how big or small. It would definitely put him back in line! There's also supernanny...

  31. why would you call the FBI for your son not putting his toys away? That doesn't make sense.

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