
Should I call the health dept.?

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Was out to dinner with the fam. last Sat. nite. My 2 year old got a milk inside a plastic cup with lid. We brought it home with us and after she fisnished it at home, I went to rinse it out for recycling and found that the inside of the lid was filthy. Dirty and grimy looking.

I called teh restaurant the next morning (Sunday) and was told the owner would be in contact. Had not heard anything by tuesday so I called again. Same lady told me she gave the owner the message and that he would def. call me back.

It's now Wed. almost evening...still no call. I am getting mad at the lack of response. I think the owner has done nothing, including checking the stock of kids cups to make sure they are clean and is totally blowing me off.

Should this prompt me to call the health dept. to report them?

Thoughts, ideas?




  1. i would go down to the restaurant and demand to see the manager. if that doesn't work i would talk loud about the cup being unsanitary. just recently our family went to a restaurant and found the cooks eating our food and touch it after they touched their hair and body and didn't use tongs for the food. we made it loud and clear that we were not eating there and saw the waitress eating an ice cream cone while on duty and not being professional. the manager said he would take care of the bill and gave us a free meal card...of course we Wont be going there again. i would report them..your child could get salmonella.

  2. If you have'nt gotten a response by tomorrow call the resteraunt and tell them your intentions. if they don't get back to you, then call the health dept.

  3. YES! that could be endangering your child! i wouldn't hesitate, i would have called and complained to the owner then immediately got off the phone with them and called the health department!!!

  4. call the health department, that owner could care less and won't do a thing until he/she is forced to.

  5. you can document the times you have spoken with them and write a letter and also call.  i noticed that when you threaten people in writing, they usually respond b/c of the paper trail that has been created.  but i would definately not sleep on this.  this is your baby we're talking about here.....

  6. Personally, I would have called the minute I saw the cup.

  7. go down there first.

  8. I don't know where you live, and don't want to be the bearer of bad news - but there aren't many inspectors (as in not enough) to inspect restaurants to begin with.  Most likely they won't check on a dirty lid used on a cup in a restaurant - and if they do, it probably wouldn't be until that restaurant was due for inspection, or a follow up.  You can call the health dept. and see if it does any good though, and see what they suggest.  

    I wouldn't be going back to that restaurant if I were you.  You can find sites with reviews of restaurants and give your review and include the dirty lid incident.

  9. Well if he hasn't called back then obviously something is up. I'd call the health department right away, you never know dirty things were in your food, too.

  10. It would be interesting if you went in there and got drinks to go. If the restaurant is close and you can do this, I would. But obviously don't drink them! Take your child in there, get a coffee and a drink for your child to go, and then when you get to the car check it out.

    But if you don't want to go through the hassle, call the health department. They have to check on reports. I work in a restaurant, and here in PA, if they get a complaint, then the inspecter comes in.

    They are giving you the run around. Apparently the owner just does not care. If we get a complaint, the boss is on the phone the same day with the customer.

  11. yep, definitely...

    i would also call the better business bureau/chamber of commerce in your area to let them know about the lack of response. also, if the restaurant is a chain, call their corporate headquarters.

  12. get over it they dont care if you got a dirty cup

  13. You don't say what type of restaurant this occurred in, and ultimately it doesn't matter.  However, how I would handle the situation would differ based on the type of restaurant.

    Fast Food:  go back, demand to see the manager, complain and ask that he not only check on his supply of cups and their cleanliness but that he also refund your purchase price.  Send a letter to the corporate offices as well.

    Diner:  Again see manager or owner, get refund and then check via the internet on their rating with the health department.  Send a letter to health department.

    Place like Applebee's, Chili's, etc.  Speak to the general manager, get refund, write letter to corporate office.  

    Individually owned :  Check with health department for infractions, go and see manager/owner. Write letter to Better business bureau as well as the health department.

    For future reference, do not wait to complain and request compensation.  You should have recalled on Monday unless the place was closed and told who ever answered that you would be reporting the incident not only to the health department but also to your local paper because of the health concern.  By waiting so long the restaurant could say that the child's lid got dirty by sitting around in your home.(not to infer that your home is dirty but they would look to blame you)

  14. I wouldn't give the restaurant another warning shot.  Call the health department and let them investigate it... they know where to look now too!!  If it happened to you, think of how many other parents just threw the cup out or didn't pay attention.  If you lived where I do, I would help protect your children as I hope you would do for me!

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