
Should I call the police on these teenagers?

by  |  earlier

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My landlord has told me to watch out for them but my landlord is not around all the time. I don't feel safe around my apartment anymore because I've heard that they have graffitied and gambled down there while drinking.

I would just call the regular police line (not the 911 line).

They're not from our building and they cause a lot of disturbances.

I feel like I should just download some foreign music and blast it while the window is open so they will just go away!

I'm not going to comfront them but I want them to go away!




  1. My Advice is to only call on them if there posing any harm to you or anybody else.

    Graffiti is for the apatment security. If you don't want them to drink then I tottally agree with to call security.

  2. Yes

  3. snitches get stitches.  

  4. .   You are helping the police when you call.  They know that things escalate when the bad guys think that no one cares.  Call and call again. Then move when your lease is up.

  5. I believe that you should call the police line for sure if you catch them doing something illegal. Please dont confront them either; you will only find yourself in trouble. They could either do something to you directly or indirectly (i.e. break into your house?)

  6. You can call police and tell them that they are trespassing...That would be the legal thing to do..Meanwhile, just talk to the cop and tell them what is going on about the graffiti in the wall...They won't get charge but it will be noted by the police as suspects.

  7. Call the local police. You are right in not confronting them. Just tell them you are scared and they should come over straight away

  8. Probably.  but don't let them know it was you.  They sound like a bunch of hoodlums.  You don't want them comming after you in the long run.  Or you could move to a decent part of the neighborhood.  

  9. Loitering is illegal.

    That being said - be careful. If you are going to call the cops, don't do it from home or everyone will know it was you.

    Keep a (brief) diary of their activities (date and time) for a few days, and then call from your place of business or even a cafe and tell them you want to see an officer because you are concerned about your personal safety in your neighborhood. Show him/her your notes of the activities you have observed.

    Good luck. Take care.

  10. If you feel offended or afraid from them, yes you should defiantly call the police, but only if you feel this way; you don't want to waste your time or theirs if they don't even physically bother you.

    Still, it wouldn't hurt to contact the local police line.

  11. Yes, I played electronic computer game about the picture chosen of cartoon lawyer is doing grab the little boy's back, because he broke the law. The electronic computer game is a toy and running with battery. That lawyer talked to the judge and then call the police. And then take him to jail.

  12. yes they're a threat to your safety

  13. you have the right to be frustrated there are 2 possible solutions

    1 call the police they don't live there so they do not have the right to be a disturbance

    2 befriend them talk to them tell them that there are some cool hang out places away from your building. They probaly don't have money so suggest free hangout spots. Or go party with them and the next time when you need them to be quiet they will probably respect your wishes.

    Good luck

  14. si jugar musica foreigno

  15. Call the police and tell them what the kids are doing and they can either set up a sting or out and out confront them for the "collective neighbors" who have complained.  Number one, they're on private property,  number two,  they're disturbing the peace and number three, especially if they're under age and they're drinking and gambling, that's a big nono!  

    Call the police. Exercise your rights.

  16. I'd say you should probably call the regular police line, like you said.

    even your landlord told you to watch out for them, meaning they've been there for awhile AND they're potentially dangerous.

    The police will just drop by to see what they're doing and if it's anything illegal, they'll be arrested. >_>

  17. You should call the police, you are smart to not confront them, they could be dangerous

  18. Yes.  Call the police.  

    Also, depending on the laws in your state, your landlord may be able to get a "No Trespassing Notice".

    Here is an example of of a Massachusetts form:

    Here is a Minnesota form:

    Good luck.

  19. yes

  20. Yes, definitely call the cops. And feel free to call the emergency line if you catch them in the act. Best of luck to you!

  21. i would call the police.

    thats tresspassing/loitering isnt it? since they dont even live there

  22. i would there are loitering laws  so they have to do somethign and if they dont call till they do  your taxes pay them  so they should help

  23. Talk to your landlord about getting a criminal trespass warning against the teens when the cops are called out. This may help keep them away from the property. If a criminal trespass warning is issued the next time the teens come on the property and the cops are call they can be charged with criminal trespass.

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