
Should I call up the company to see if I got the job?

by  |  earlier

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I applied to a production company and sent them my resume' and Cover letter, they replied back and told me to write a "one sheet" and said we'lll take it from their.

They never taught us to do a one sheet in school, so I looked at the internet and couldn't find any examples for TV shows, so I did my best and submitted it.

it's been five days now and no call, no email, should I just wait or call them. I feel if I call, it will show insecurity and turn them off.

What should I do?




  1. as a manager at my company, i sometimes get annoyed when people keep calling back,once is fine,and if i say ill get back to you, then i will. if you get the job theyll obviously call you back. but in my opinion id wait to call them again,if you havent already,and its been 5 days, go for it, refresh them of who you are.

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