
Should I cancel my donations to my sponsored child in the Phillipines?

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I have been donating $60 per month for exactly 2 years now. But in the 2 years, I have only recieved 2 letters from little Melanie. Am I wrong/bad for feeling a little disappointed? And yes, I understand the art of being humble and giving without requiring getting something in return. But I was also raised to thank those who do kind things for you. I was hoping to help a child (I have none of my own), and have a penpail that I could help educate and give advice to. Her father only makes $60 per month, and is always working. I have sent blankets, a foam mattress, pots and pans, toys, books, etc. I have enjoyed it, but as time goes on, it kind of bothers me that this little girl has so much free time, but yet only writes me 2 lines, once a year. My money DOES go to the family. But I recieve requests (from the org.) for more, almost every 2 weeks. I am a big brother to a group children locally, so yes, I help American children too. Am I wrong for feeling disappointed? Cancel?




  1. Who you sponsor through ask. Or do some investigating of your own. The child may suffer, Or find a TV program that could investigate this.

  2. What a lovely person you are to try and help those in need.

    However, I feel that the people in The Phillipines are taking you for a ride. I've seen this sort of thing happen to people sponsoring children in The Gambia, West Africa, so you are not alone.

    Continue being the lovely person you are, but keep your donations to the local children, at least you will see where your money is going. - Bless you.

  3. well, I don't think she has free time or maybe her parents have it tough on her? I've known Filipinos to be grateful since I live here so I wouldn't know exactly. How old is she? Sometimes kids don't know how to return the favor in that way.

    Sometimes the kids here are forced to work in the streets and they can't go home unless they've sold everything they have. Other times they have to go pick up garbage.

    At least she did send 2 letters right? She tried. Real love is about giving without even expecting the thank you.. I know how it feels, it hurts but it eventually comes back to us you know? hang in there, bro.

  4. First of all...Good for you!!  There is nothing wrong with just wanting a little bit of is human nature.  It really comes down to a few questions....If the money isn't going directly to her or her family, but just in a "big pot" for the organization...are you okay with this?  If you had all of this information & knew that you wouldn't be getting the letters, that you expected, would you have still done it?  Your best bet is to make a list of questions & get some answers to those questions, from the organization.  Then, you need to really decide if this is what you want to do with your $60 or maybe you would be happier taking that $60 and giving it to a different organization.  They have that one organization that tells you exactly where your money is (example only...not sure how much, etc.) $100 for 4 chickens for the town of _______.  These days there are so many scams & it is a little scary to think that you are trying to help people, but the money isn't going where you thought it was.  Good luck!!

  5. Have you ever thought about visiting her family sometime?I don't think the number of mails matters at all.U need to see how significantly u have improved their living conditions and feel how grateful they really are by your own eyes.

    Wutsmore,through that visit,you will find out whether  the money has been actually taken by the organization.

  6. Write the organization itself with your concerns, and ask for a phone appointment to discuss such. Do you have the address of the local office of the organization in the Phillipines? When I sponsored a child through Save the Children, I was given the email address of the local office that was working in-person with the child I was sponsoring. If you have that local office address, write both the national and the local office. (my child dropped out of the program, and so I did too at that time; I switched to CARE International).

    Also, the child isn't getting that $60 a month, and neither is the family, if your sponsorship program works like the vast majority of others -- your financial donation is symbolic to the child/family, but it actually goes to the organization to pay for *all* of the services they provide in that country, not just those for that particular family or child. Clarify this absolutely with your sponsoring organization, both in the phone call and in writing.

    You aren't wrong to feel disappointed. You have done a great thing by supporting this organization for so long. But sometimes, it's time to move on to something else, for your own reasons, and such should be respected.

  7. he should be emailing you twice a day for that kind of money

  8. It wouldn't surprise me if Melanie didn't receive the money but it was taken by the organisation. Don't believe everything you read about these 'charities'. They use photos to appeal to your senses, but in reality the money often goes elsewhere.

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