
Should I care that my family don't like my Girlfriend?

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My GF and I get along fine, we rarely fight if at all. My Mom, sister, and brother don't seem to like her for some reason. They claim she is too quiet. My mom told me this before, and although I dont disagree I was thinking its not really a valid reason. I dont like that they dislike her, and was needing some advice, what should I do?




  1. I would say NO, and yes.

    Let's say you marry her - you're the one who'll be with her (potentially) for the rest of your life.  When your parents are long gone - you still have the one woman you are best friends with until death.


    You've got family reunions, etc to deal with...


    Time is a good thing.  I've heard several times, "So and so didn't like my bf/gf at first.  After a while, they're like best friends now..."

    Bottom line.

    It's your life.  Do what makes YOU most happy.  

    That is my opinion.

  2. I wouldn't concern myself with what they like or not like.  If you live your life by what others think you will never be happy.

    Enjoy your time with your GF away from your family.  If your family wants to know why you are never home or why you never bring your GF over, tell them the truth.  Tell them that you refuse to subject her to  people who claim to dislike her for ridiculous reasons.  Tell them that you respect her (GF) too much to put her through that.  

  3. She's your girlfriend. I understand you care how your family members think about her. There's nothing wrong with her ... she's just quiet or shy and doesn't like to chat with your family members.

    I wonder why they don't like her. You must explain to them that she's quiet ... it doesn't mean that she doesn't like them or not happy with them ... maybe she's a bit shy ... it's only her character and hope they understand her more.

    At the same time you can tell your girlfriend sweetly and gently that you hope she can chat with your Mom more, so that they can understand each other. Then see if she has any changes.

    If you really love her, you must accept her character. You mustn't care what they think about her. I don't think you will live with them when you are married. Then .... just go on with her ...

  4. Although you should care how your family feels about who you're dating, they should also have reasonable explanations as to why they think that way of her. If it's unreasonable, then it's your decision whether or not you choose family over gf. You tell them how much your gf means to you, and they will accept her within time.

  5. Being quiet is not a reason to dislike her.  They may dislike her for some other reason.  Is your family generally very loud or talkative?  If so, then no one may fit what they want for you.  Or maybe they intimidate your GF and she is afraid to try to talk.  Is she talkative with you?  If so - just talk to your family about it.  Just because she is not just like them does not mean they should dislike her.

  6. To be honest, its none of their business who you go out with.

    If you like her, thats all that matters.

    But remember, you have to live with your family, your going to have to put up with them if they moan...

  7. Forget what your parents think. Are THEY the ones dating her? No. Worry about what YOU think of her.

  8. If they don't like her for that reason thats lame. They aren't even giving her a chance. You're right, its not a valid reason. So I would just not worry what they htink and let them know that too. You are the one dating her and spending time with her, who cares what they think. If they are that way with her, you could probably never find a girl that they did like.  

  9. if you like her then u should keep her around your mom and your sister and your brother will get used to her

  10. I agree with you, her being quiet is not a valid reason for them not to like her.  On the other hand, I have heard people say that they don't trust quiet people because they don't really know what makes them tick, that sort of thing.

    Maybe you could try to get her to talk more.  I know it's hard because I tend to be quiet around some people more than others because I'm shy and might not have a lot in common with them.  But I don't like it when people judge me just because they don't know me.

  11. talk to your parents about it but you dont want to end up on parental control lol jk honesty sit down all of you even ur gf nd talk it out

  12. Listen to your mother, sometimes mother's sense things     more than you want to know. It's a valid reason as far as your mother  is concerned. Why is your friend so quiet? Doesn't she want to fit in with the family if she really cares about you. Doesn't she want to be accepted ?

  13. if her being quiet is the only reason then you shouldn't have to prove anything to them.  my best friend is really quiet and at times can seem s****. but i know how she is and my parents didn't used to like her. after a while they realized her good aspects; she's helped me through a lot of tough times and they love her now.  

    at the same token, being quiet might be some excuse they are saying. maybe there is another reason so find that out like how my best friend seemed s****. at times to my parents. im not insinuating anything but the problem just seems to be her being shy/quiet.  so dont care about it.  as long as she has a good personality and she loves u it shouldnt matter.  

  14. tell them that she is a good person, but just shy, and takes a while for her to come around.  Tell them that you would appreciate it if they could just hold off on judging her, just because she is quiet.  To be perfectly honest with you, there is nothing wrong with being quiet, and is sure  not a reason to dislike her.

  15. yeah find out why and tell her nicely - hope ive helped - sit them together and talk about it

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