
Should I change doctors?

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Im now 16 weeks pregnant. My last OB appointment was on the 28th of this month... I had called the doctor and asked her about my hot flashes which are pretty random and drench me in sweat, and asked about the cramping I had been having pretty regularly... When I went into the office, I had my blood taken for my triple screen test, then had to wait another hour in the waiting room to see my doctor. When I finally got called back, I waited another 15-20 min in the little room. Finally the doctor came in, immediately laid me down and measured my uterus and checked the babys heartbeat, scheduled my first sonogram for when i would be either 20 or 21 weeks, on Oct. 1st. and that was it. Didnt ask me about the cramps or hot flashes, didnt listen to my heart or anything else... i thought that was a little weird. should I start looking for a different dr, or just wait this one out?




  1. I think what you're portraying here is quite abusive. I would find someone else; ask around. That kind of waiting sounds ridiculous, unless the doctor was in the delivery room or had an emergency.

    What if something really went wrong? What kind of care do you think you'd receive then? Sounds like that doctor is just overbooked and trying to make a lot of money.

  2. If you have concerns, speak up.  I usually make a list of my concerns to go over with my doctor, so that neither one of us forgets.

  3. I had a bad doctor and had to change in my 20th month.  I can tell you that you already got more and better care than I got!  I think the waiting was excessive,though.  Is that how long you normally wait?  For my first pregnancy, I rarely waited longer than 15-20 minutes when they were running behind, and they were usually pretty on-time.  One thing to keep in mind is that when you call to make an appt. unless you speak directly to the doctor, they don't talk to the doctor for you , they just schedule you. It's possible that the doctor could have thought the problem was resolved on the phone, or didn't even know about the problems.  Or he/she was just too busy they forgot?  When that doc comes in, make sure you speak up and if he starts to leave, say, "Please wait, I have a few more questions."   Oh, and mine does'nt listen to my heart, either, just the baby's.  Good luck and happy pregnancy.

  4. Yeah, you should definitely switch doctors. It's always good to have a second or third doctor's opinion.  

  5. In my opinion, waiting that long for any Dr is ridiculous. YES, switch. You are the patient, you are the pregnant one, you are the one who needs to have a healthy baby and take care of yourself...that is ridiculous to wait that long.  Sounds like you had someone in training and they were short staffed-!!!!  I worked for a medical facility 20 yrs and I know they take their time getting to you but when I went to the Dr while pregnant I never waited that long, ever.....and I didn't expect to. I would have complained and I hope you do the same- it's the only way the will speed things up in a good facility.   The only thing I do know is the wait could be longer due to others having serious issues and they wait for another dr to get opinions- esp if there are "physicians assistants" there- which there are a LOT today.

    Best wishes sweetie.

  6. honestly the dr could have been having a busy day or something but it is their job to take care of you. they need 2 listen 2 ur problems and comfort you. if they are not paying attention 2 ur needs then u should probably try 2 find 1 that will.

  7. not neccesarily...did you ask her about it while you were in the room with her? you can't just assume that they will remember you and all your questions (especially if you called it in, then they can have a hard time putting a face to who's calling)....take the initiative and ask the questions you want answered while you are there, if you do this and she still doesn't answer your concerns, then you should consider finding a new doc...and don't assume that if you talk to a nurse and they say that they'll ask the doc that they actually did! talk to the doctor yourself, in person!

    and yes food aversions can be pretty normal, along with weight loss, it does happen. As long as your baby is going on schedule then it's not a problem!(baby will take anything it needs from you so if your not eating then it will take from you anyway causing weight loss!) and try to force yourself to eat at least 3 times a day or else lots of little thing throughout the day, try to get lots of high protien snacks....and yes force yourself! I know I'm the same way, I have to tell myself east for the baby!

  8. I would have a talk with her next time. If that doesn't settle your nerves about her. Change!!!

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