
Should I change jobs or wait?

by  |  earlier

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I've been working at my current workplace 6 months. I took this job because I needed work but don't find it very fulfilling. The pay is quite decent and it's close to my home, but I really want to be working on something more interesting to me. I also don't feel that I fit into the corporate culture and although there are a lot of perks, I feel like I want a change and to experience something new.

In 6 months I'm planning to leave the city and move in with my bf in another town. I will have to find another job when I move.

I'm wondering if I should try to go for a job now and work in something a little more interesting and gain experience over the next 6 months that will improve my skill set for when I move, or if I should stay in a job that I don't really enjoy in order to have a longer stretch on my resume even if the job I have now doesn't say much about my skillset for when I move.

I don't want to spend the next 6 months doing work that I don't enjoy, but I also want to build a resume that will help me find something good once I move.

Any advice?




  1. this is a tough market to find a job in.  and if you're leaving in 6 months, i'd stick where i am until i move.  it doesn't look good to job jump.  better to stay where you are and have the experience for your resume for the next job.

  2. If you're able to stand it, I would recommend hanging in there, then you'll have a job with 1 full year of experience to put on your resume instead of two 6-month ones.  See if there are any opportunities to better your skills while you're there.  Do they have a library of skill books or videos you can check out, or would they pay to send you to a couple of 1-day seminars to learn more about software?  Your HR contact probably has tons of brochures you could look through.  6 months isn't very long, and especially with getting ready to move, it might be nice to have some stability and flexibility during your preparation.  Use this time to research companies in your new city so you can really attack it before you even get there...about a month beforehand you could start calling around and introducing yourself to some target companies.

  3. I would wait until you have about a month left.  Than I would look; doing this it might give you time to learn more so that you can put it on your resume for you next job interview.

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