
Should I change my ponys name? Any advise?

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I found a black quarter pony that i am going to get. Her name is "Dawn", its so cute, but that's my name to!!!! It cute for both of us to have the same name, but would it lead to any kind of confusion at the barn, shows, etc that I might do? She is 16 years old, but I was thinking just to change it to "Fahn". Any thought?




  1. I have canged a good many horses names once I got them home, never had a problem.  It does not take a lot of time for the horse to adjust especially at feeding time.  

    I think that you should change your horses name to know...Dusk and Dawn...

  2. Go ahead and change it!  One possiblitiy is that you could change it to "Dawn's (something)" .  

    My first horse's name was Jenny (not my name).  When I first joined pony club with her, people were always calling me Jenny until they got to know me better.

  3. Wow, that's a coincidence. The two names sound alike and it will adjust even better because it will have a new owner that calls it that. However I should add that it will be humorous to hear the person at the shows saying, Here is dawn with her horse fahn, you'll rhyme!

    edit: did you mean fawn? I assumed that was how it sounded, if not i guess the attempted humor at the end of y answer kind of loses it funny, huh. lol

  4. Fahn??? What The......?

    if you mean Fawn well that's cute.

    I don't think changing her name at 16 is a good move though...she sorta knows it now. it would be like changing my 18 year olds name from amber to Meg silly move and she wouldn't acknowledge it anyway

  5. I would change it! No offense but I think it is weird to have the same name!? And you would never know who you were talking about!

  6. that sounds very good after all horses adjust quickly to names that are similar to their old names

  7. Why don't you do a background check on her and see if she has a show name and when you take her to shows you could use that and then keep Dawn as her stable name.

  8. At her age, why change her name!  Around the barn and shows,

    how cute, both of you competing  as "Dawn and Dawn" and known as "Dawn and Dawn"

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