
Should I charge upfront fee for bookkeeping service, with written guarantee?

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I am starting a small bookkeeping business and want to know should I charge a upfront fee for service. It will come with written/signed invoice of satisfaction or money back guaranteed.

*Bookkeeping services will be monthly, meaning they pay once a month for services.

The reason why I want to do this is because I don't want to deal with the hassles of "running people down" to pay for services.




  1. You should try it, but you will have to come up with benefits to them that justify why your customers should pay up front.  For example, a two price system with 10-15% off for those who pay in advance.

    If it doesn't work you can always drop the up front billing approach and go to billing at time of service.

    One suggestion I have is that you put a time limit on when your customer can get his/her money back.  

    Hope this helps


  2. I would not offer a money back guarantee I would state your commitment to quality and your competence as a bookeeper and maybe supply some references from people who have used you in the past.  Making payment due on the first of the month is a good idea.

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